
Welcome to Term 3, Week 10.
It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of another term! The Preps have been so busy throughout Term Three and it is wonderful to reflect on all of the growth they have made, both as learners and individuals.
This term was jam-packed and full of fun learning experiences for our Preps, from their first excursion to the Zoo, celebrating Book Week and Science Week, to completing a comprehensive swimming program. Students have had a lot to look forward to, learn and celebrate.
In Reading, the preps have continued exploring informational texts on living things, identifying the important features and using the 'Good Reader strategies' to help them decode unfamiliar words. We have also been investigating literal and inferential questions to develop students' comprehension skills. We encourage families to practise reading with their child during the term break, to maintain their child's reading progress. As your child reads at home, encourage them to use the good reader strategies (in their satchels) and ask them questions about what they read. It could be as simple as providing a verbal retell of what they have read, and encouraging them to make predictions before, during and after reading. Doing this will not only build their reading confidence and ability to comprehend text, but also enable them to make 'text to self' connections, thereby better helping them to engage and consolidate learning.
In Writing, students have continued to explore information texts. They have been working to develop their understanding of the important features and using this knowledge to construct their own information texts on their selected living thing. They have continued writing sentences using adjectives and conjunctions to add detail in their writing. As this was the last week of term, students were given opportunities to revise what we have been learning through the term. They revised all the onset and rimes learnt this term through sentence dictations and demonstrated their knowledge of high frequency words (HFWs) by creating their own descriptive sentences and recounts. During the term break, we encourage students to continue to practise writing when possible. This could include practising their HFWs using rainbow writing or writing a recount on their holiday experiences. This will help them to sustain and develop their writing stamina, as well as being a fun way to journal their personal experiences.
In Mathematics, we have begun exploring the concept of length within measurement. The students have continued to be open-minded when exploring informal units of measurement. They have been given opportunities to measure varying objects using non standard units of measurement and make comparisons. This week, students were also given opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of number patterns through skip counting. It has been wonderful to see the students consolidate their learning and the skills they have learnt throughout this year so far, to help them develop as mathematical thinkers.
Preps Swimming Program
Our Prep 8-day swimming program concluded on the 14th of September and was a great success. Students demonstrated resilience and a positive attitude throughout the program. They should be commended for their hard work and celebrate achieving this milestone in their learning. Students who participated in this program all received a certificate of completion. for their amazing achievement!
Colour Run
Students had a fantastic time celebrating the end of term by participating in a fun Colour Run! What a great day of fun, getting colourful, and enjoying a unique experience with friends and peers across the school. It was a memorable way to promote fitness, fundraising and community engagement.
Kinder Visits
The kinder visits continued this week with students from Amiga Montessori Saltwater Coast, joining some of our prep classes to see what it is like at 'big school'. The students all participated in reading a story, 'The Rainbow Fish' and talking about being kind to each other. The students then all had fun making their own special rainbow fish, based on the strpry and their ideas.
Premier Daniel Andrews visits Saltwater P-9 College
How exciting for Prep! When our Premier Daniel Andrews chose Saltwater College as his location to make a special announcement regarding additional funding for teaching positions at university, he also visited Prep F to see the learning programs, meet the students and the teacher Ms Vazirani.
He spent time in the prep classroom, chatting with students, asking them about our school and about their learning. We were so honoured that he chose to visit Prep and his visit will remain as a lasting memory.
Sun Smart Policy - HATS
Please remember that students require a broad brimmed HAT for all outdoor activities and recess breaks in Term 4 and Term One.
End of Term Reminders
Friday 15 September - Term Three ends.
Students are dismissed at 2.40pm across Primary and Secondary campuses for a two-week break. School will resume in Term 4 on Monday 2 October.
Attendance continues to be an important school wide focus, as it has proven to have a serious influence on student academic and social development and achievement. We strongly encourage that students are present on the first day of term and if unable to do so, an explanation be provided on XUNO.
We are so proud of the students amazing efforts this term and we wish them a wonderful term break. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The Prep teaching team