News and Excursions

what has been happening around JMSS

Lottie O’Hare, Year 11 2024


Lottie was recently nominated for the Arts Award at the Frankston Youth Empowerment Showcase Awards and attended the ceremony. There were a number of talented nominees and we are proud to inform everyone that Lottie ended up winning the award.


She earned a monetary prize for her contributions to the arts within her community, and has since been nominated for Young Citizen Of The Year, yet another example of Science and the Arts working closely together. Here are a few photos of the event:



~ Peter Corkill (Principal)



The Intermediate Boys Table Tennis


The Intermediate Boys Table Tennis team made the state finals at Albert Park on Friday 29th November. They played extremely well but were beaten by Melbourne University High. The rivalry between Monash and Melbourne will continue next year and the team is interested in creating a table tennis club.

They came third in their pool and each game was really close and fiercely battled!


~ Penny Hale and Sarah Adolph