Australian Science Fair

From 25-27 November, JMSS hosted the annual Australian Science Fair with its biggest program to date. We welcomed students and staff from five interstate schools including Newton Moore Senior High School (WA), Australian Science and Mathematics School (SA), Queensland Academy of Science, Mathematics and Technology (Qld), Gungahlin College (ACT), and Darwin High School (NT) who joined our Year 10 students in three days of STEM immersion and sharing of ideas.
Monday 25th November involved the “Mystery Box STEM Challenge” in which students used a simple set of materials to create a contraption that incorporated a range of engineering principles such as hydraulic or pneumatic components, pulley systems or gears. Our interstate guests along with a number of JMSS students shared projects they have been working on during the oral presentation sessions and received feedback from Monash University academic staff. Project sharing continued into the evening with the Australian Science Fair Exhibition Night where all of our Year 10 students presented their EEI posters and work they had done in their elective subjects to an audience of friends, family, Monash guests and the wider community. Primary school students involved in the Little Scientists, Big Science co-curricular program also proudly displayed their projects to a large crowd.
Tuesday/Wednesday saw everyone learn about aspects of Indigenous astronomy from Gomeroi Astrophysicist Krystal DeNapoli and try their hand at creating a planisphere. Our interstate guests spent the rest of Tuesday exploring the city and Melbourne Museum and Wednesday morning at the Jock Marshall Reserve working with staff from Monash University School of Biology, while JMSS Year 10s participated in activities at the Monash Tech School, climate monitoring activities and a nature scavenger hunt.
Year 11s did not miss out. On Tuesday and Wednesday, they had immersion days with the Monash School of Engineering (Clayton) and the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science (Parkville). Both days gave students the opportunity to hear from academic staff and students about their fields of interest and get involved in a range of hands-on workshops.
A big thank you to the JMSS Science team, Monash Tech School and Monash University who bring the event to life and continue to make it a fantastic experience for all involved.
~ Melanie Denney