Farewell Mrs E

Written by Natalie Dullard on behalf of the staff


We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your warmth to inspire and connect people.


For creating a beautiful community that fosters a strong sense of belonging, where all are welcomed, included, valued and supported. 


Building a school that celebrates each individual, brings out the best in everyone, champions unconditional positive regard for all, provides vast opportunities for our amazing students to grow, thrive and flourish.


Honouring the story of our founders, the Josephite Sisters, living out their charism of equity and inclusion, leading with dedication and determination, courage and compassion, authenticity and love.


Mary MacKillop wisely said; ‘gratitude is the memory of the heart’. 

What gratitude we have for you Mrs E and what wonderful memories of our time shared at St Mary’s we will hold in our hearts.


So… as you embark on this new chapter of your life, including exciting caravanning adventures and making precious memories as a new grandparent… 

An Australian Blessing by Aunty Elizabeth Pike

May you always stand

Tall as a tree

Be as strong at the rock Uluru

As gentle and still

as the morning mist

Hold the warmth

of the campfire

in your heart

And may the Creator Spirit

Always walk with you.