Mission and Identity

Mass Of Thanksgiving
As another year draws to a close, we gathered as a community for our End-of-Year Mass of Thanksgiving, a tradition where we reflect on the many blessings of the past year. This sacred time offers us the opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to our vibrant school community.
To look at the world through the lens of gratitude not only shapes the way we look at ourselves and at others, but it can change what we actually see. With gratitude in our hearts, we can look at our world through the eyes of hope – seeing opportunities to appreciate our blessings and share our good fortune with others. This perspective of gratitude has been our guide throughout the year and during today’s celebration.
At our End of Year Mass of Thanksgiving, we have a chance to reflect on the contributions of community through the year. Our sincerest thanks to our staff, whose tireless efforts ensure that our school continues to thrive. To our teachers, who inspire and nurture a love of learning in our students. To our administration team, gardeners, and cleaners - your behind-the-scenes yet essential work creates the beautiful spaces that we are lucky to be part of. To our students - your reverence during our celebrations, is evident. Thank you for your kindness, and the unique gifts you bring to our community.
We also celebrated with thanks the commitment of Mr Peter Hoban. Peter’s passion for the College and its community has left an indelible mark on Loreto, and as he retires from his role as Board Chair, we celebrate not only his leadership but the lasting legacy he leaves behind in the hearts and minds of all who his dedication has touched.
During our thanksgiving mass we also reflect and give thanks for the extraordinary legacy of Mary Ward, Gonzaga Barry, and their companions. Their vision, courage, and faith continue to shape who we are and the values we hold dear. As proud stewards of this legacy, we honour their work by striving to embody their commitment to justice, freedom, and education in all that we do.
This mass of Thanksgivig is not only a moment to look back with gratitude but also a time to look forward with hope. As we prepare to step into a new year, and into the many celebrations next year, may we continue to see the world through eyes of gratitude and hearts of compassion, ever ready to appreciate our blessings and share our good fortune with others.
May God’s abundant blessings be with all members of our community as we embrace the joys and challenges ahead. Thank you for being part of our story this year – we look forward to journeying together again in the year to come for our 120th Year of Loreto Education at Marryatville.
The Season of Advent
Advent encourages us to let God’s will be done in our hearts and to have faith in the love of God reflected in the Incarnation of God’s Son. As we prepare for Christ’s coming at Christmas, may we be renewed in our commitment to bringing Jesus to birth for others each day, and may we experience his coming to us now, in our everyday lives, to help us live with meaning and purpose.
As are in the season of Advent, we are reminded of the gift of waiting. Waiting is not empty, but a time of deep preparation and hope. It is in the waiting that we discover that God is at work in our hearts and lives, gently calling us to trust and to slow down.
As we wait during this Advent season, what might God be inviting us to let go of? What might God be asking us to embrace?
"The Lord is good to those who wait in hope for him, to the soul who seeks him." – Lamentations 3:25
God of patience and promise,
In the stillness of waiting, help us to hear Your voice.
In the moments of uncertainty, teach us to trust in Your plan.
In the weariness of waiting, renew our strength with Your love.
May our waiting not be passive but filled with acts of love, kindness, and compassion.
Martina O’Connell
Assistant Principal Mission & Identity