Learning Across the ELC

Banksia Room
Exploring Indigenous Pedagogy and Perspectives
This term, we have emphasised the importance of connecting with the land and exploring the history, culture, and traditions of the Kaurna people and other Indigenous language groups. This learning opportunity supports the children in deepening their understanding of Indigenous perspectives and fostering respect for Australia’s First Nations Peoples, aligning with Outcome 2 of the EYLF: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
The Banksia children have been actively engaging in daily acknowledgements of Kaurna land during morning group times. They are also enthusiastically singing the Kaurna song during play, demonstrating their growing awareness of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Mrs De Alwis introduced the story of the First People of Australia using a range of props, including wooden figurines and native Australian animals. These hands-on experiences are fostering a deeper connection to cultural storytelling, encouraging children to listen, observe, and reflect on the significance of Aboriginal history.
Through this learning, the Banksia children are developing their ability to identify and understand important cultural symbols, including Kaurna symbols, the Australian flag, the Aboriginal flag, and the Torres Strait Islander flag. These experiences reflect the EYLF Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity, as children begin to understand and celebrate cultural diversity, identity, and the significance of their place on this land.
Alicia Carr and Harshini De Alwis
It has been a fortnight of celebrations to finish off the Preschool year. For the first time, our Preschool children and families joined the Junior School in the Norwood Christmas Pageant. We loved waving to the crowd, saying Merry Christmas and singing Jingle Bells along the way. We printed some Christmas wrapping paper for our families, made gifts and also made some Christmas crowns for our performance in the Preschool to Year 6 Christmas Picnic/Concert, where we sang 'Aussie Jingle Bells' paired with actions. On Monday, we held a Graduation Ceremony for our Preschool graduates transitioning to start Reception in January 2025.
It has been a big week of emotions for everyone with a combination of joy, happiness, anxiety, pride, love and relief. It has been a wonderful learning journey for us all over the year and we wish all our graduates a smooth transition to school.
The Preschool Team