From the Principal

Thank you
As this is my last "From the Principal" newsletter piece, I would like to take a bit of time to look back on what has been a very busy and productive year at WGS.
We have welcomed Mid-Year Receptions into our school for the first time in many years, with many staying in 2025 with the teachers they have connected with in the second half of this year. We have seen the reintroduction of Technologies as a separate subject and it has been great to see so many students engaging in the making, designing and thinking about how things work and how to program them. We have seen the introduction of online reporting, and parent feedback is still open here to tell us what you think about the content for next years reports.
Our literacy teaching continues to be strong and supports students who need extra help, as well as making sure that all students have what they need to be successful readers, speakers and writers. We have hosted amazing concerts, book week parades, made new murals and community artworks, played in the Festival of Music, entered scones and art into the Royal Show, gone on camp, excursions to museums and swimming pools and more.
We have taken part in SAPSASA and Knockout sports, as well as National Simultaneous Storytime and launched our own cookbook. Its truly been a very busy schedule of extra activities that widen our learners' experiences and provide unique opportunities for learners to grow skills and capabilities outside the classroom.
This year, we have worked hard to provide these wider opportunities to learn as well as supporting the academic learning that is the foundation of all skill building. We can't do that without our teachers and SSOs. I have been privileged to be able to lead the school at a time when we have had so many opportunities, as well as the people needed to provide them. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every staff member of WGS for their work in ensuring we continue to be a school that supports students, families and communities to develop the skills and learning they need to be successful.
I also want to thank the community for your support this year. We have had a lot of positive feedback from families and we look forward to strengthening this connection again in 2025.
I wish you all a well earned holiday break and we will see you all again on Tuesday January 28, 2025.