
Welcome to the New School Year!


We are excited to be back for the new school year and look forward to being able to assist you all in any way. Please feel free to give us a call or email us at:   if you have any questions and/or concerns.


Please ensure you regularly check Audiri for all the latest information, as well as the newsletter, which is published every three weeks.


Audiri App

Our Audiri App is our main source of communication. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.  Please ensure that you have it installed on your phone or device and regularly check it for alerts and notices. We have many events planned this term and you will find them all on the Audiri app. 


Please update the App for 2025 by adding your child’s individual class and year level group, to ensure that you receive all relevant notifications.



Medical Management

Please ensure that the school has up-to-date contact and medical information.  Contact us immediately if there are any changes that would affect the medical management of your child.  If the school office contacts you to replace expired medications, please ensure that you supply updated medications and or plans as soon as possible.


A reminder that all medication, needs to be sent to the office with an authority filled in for us to administer the required dosage (medication authority form below).

The school can longer administer any medication, including over the counter medication, unless the medication authority form has been completed.


Medical Management Policy

St Joseph the Worker Primary School operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is owned, operated, and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). MACS have updated their Medical Management Policy for all schools, with a significant change regarding the administration of medication at school. 

  • In all cases except emergency situations, medication must not be administered to a child being educated and cared for unless the administration is authorised by a treating medical / health practitioner
  • Medication can only be administered when a Medication Authority Form that reflects details of medication to be administered at school has been completed and signed by a Health Practitioner and parents
  • A copy of the Medical Management Policy and Medication Authority form is below. We will also make this form available on our school website.
  • If you are taking your child to a doctor and expect that they may prescribed medication that will need to be taken at school, we recommend that you take a copy of this form with you for the Medical Practitioner to sign. 


Have you moved addresses?

Have you recently moved house, changed jobs, email or your phone number? It is important to notify us of any updates to ensure that we can contact you.

change of details form is available on Audiri to notify us of these changes.