A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we step into the Year of Jubilee, we embrace a season of renewal, grace, and spiritual growth within the Catholic community. Grounded in Scripture and Tradition, the Jubilee is a sacred time for forgiveness, reconciliation, and a deeper encounter with God's boundless mercy. The Year of Jubilee invites us to deepen our faith, practice charity, and walk in unity with one another. May this Jubilee inspire us to cultivate hearts of gratitude, pursue justice, and nurture a spirit of love within our families and our community.
On February 6th we celebrated our Opening of the School Year Mass. Father Pritchard prayed for our students and the school community that we remain faithful and always strive to reach our full potential. Congratulations to our students for their prayerful behaviour at mass and to our readers who read so well.
It was wonderful to see many parents at our planned Smoking Ceremony last week. Although the Indigenous elder we had arranged was unable to attend, Cherrie stepped in to explain why we participate in smoking ceremonies and acknowledge the traditional owners whenever we gather. She also provided a meaningful explanation of the symbolism behind the three flags and led our community in singing the two verses of our national anthem. This was a beautiful way to begin our school year, honouring the land, its history, and the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn, play, and work.
Working together
For the safety of all children, we kindly ask that parents wait for their child/ren at the asphalt area outside the office at the end of the day. While we understand the desire to connect with teachers, please note that all teachers are required to walk their students to the designated area to ensure their safe dismissal. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in prioritising child safety.
Student Health
We have many students attending school at the moment with bad coughs and sore stomachs. There are many illnesses including covid, influenza and gastroenteritis in our community at the current time, and we still need your help in keeping our community safe and well. Please remain vigilant, keeping an eye out for symptoms of these illnesses. Please note, that children should not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea and/or vomiting. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.
Inclement Weather
When we have very hot, rainy or very windy days, students remain inside during breaks. This term we have been trialing having a longer recess break (45 minutes) and a shorter lunch break (30 minutes). This has enabled us to ensure students do get to play outside on very hot days during playtime and stay inside during the shorter break at lunch.
Students stay inside on hot days (e.g. when the temperature outside is over 35 degrees or UV is extreme) or when Emergency Management Victoria issues a severe weather warning about rain, and days of extreme heat or wind.
All classrooms are air-conditioned, so there is no need for students to stay home on hot days unless they are unwell. Unless sick, students are expected to attend school each day. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe.
Parent Code of Conduct
At St Joseph the Worker Primary School, we want what you want - and that is the best for your child! Please trust us and know that we always follow up and respond to any incident and we will always do what is right for your child. When you enrolled your child at our school, you accepted and agreed to respect and follow all school policies and procedures. We appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in working together to create a positive and safe learning environment for all.
At St Joseph the Worker we believe that everyone:
- has the right to be safe
- has the right to be treated with respect and be valued even in disagreement
- has the right to participate within a secure environment without interference, intimidation, harassment, bullying or discrimination
- is encouraged to be respectful, polite, courteous and considerate of others
- has the right to be supported and challenged as ongoing learners
Please note that is it never acceptable for a parent to:
- approach a child that is not your own with a view to disciplining that child for their behaviour
- approach other school parents to resolve issues arising between students at school (such matters should always be referred to school staff)
Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) has launched an updated Code of Conduct as part of our commitment across all Catholic schools to fostering a positive and supportive work environment that prioritises the health, safety, and well-being of everyone, inspired by our Catholic faith. This Code applies to all individuals who work with MACS in any capacity, including employees, volunteers, contractors, and School Council members. I will provide more detailed information about this in the coming weeks.
2026 Prep Enrolments
We have already had enquiries from families wanting to enrol their child in Prep next year. If families have a child they wish to enrol for next year, l encourage you to contact the office to join a tour and submit an enrolment application
- Please collect the enrolment documents from the office.
- New families are encouraged to book a school tour.
- Tour dates are on the website as well.
Child Safety
As a matter of child safety, parents are reminded that the school’s duty of care regarding supervision of students begins at 8.30 am and concludes at 3.30 pm. No child should ever be left unattended outside the school outside of these times. If parents need to drop their children at school early, they are encouraged to book their child into our out of school hours program run by Theircare. Theircare offers both before and after care for our families and parents can register online and make bookings via their website https://theircare.com.au.
School Routines at St Joseph
8:30 a.m. | Gates open and morning supervision commences |
8:45 a.m. | Morning Bell for prayer and preparation for the day |
9:00 a.m. | Lessons commence |
11:00 a.m. | Recess |
11.30 a.m. | End of recess |
1:30 p.m. | Lunch |
2:15 p.m. | End of lunch |
3:15 p.m. | Dismissal |
There have been many students being dropped off late, or collected early, for various appointments. We understand it is sometimes difficult to get appointments outside school hours, however we kindly ask if you could please try to limit the number of disruptions to your child's learning and school routine and schedule these appointments outside of school hours ~ thank you for working together.
CSEF Applications
If you have a Health Care Card, please fill in the attached CSEF application form and email it to the school on marisa.paras@sjwreservoirnth.catholic.edu.au
Link to CSEF Application Form https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/about/programs/health/CSEF-Application-Form-2020.pdf
If you have already submitted a CSEF form for 2025, you do not need to resubmit this form.
School Uniform
Thank you for ensuring that your child is wearing the correct summer uniform, which includes the school hat and correct school shoes - no black runners.
- The school uniform is compulsory for all students.
- As a SunSmart school, hats must be worn at all times when outdoors during the warmer months. We encourage all students to wear sunscreen daily during times of high UV ratings. You are welcome to send sunscreen with your child in their bag.
NO Dogs at School
A reminder that, for the safety and well-being of all, dogs are not allowed to be brought onto the school grounds, nor should they be tied up and left at the school gates. We have students who are allergic to dogs and others who are frightened by them. To ensure the comfort and safety of everyone, we kindly ask for your support in leaving your dog at home or waiting outside the school grounds. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Birthday Treats
While it is not an expectation or requirement, some parents choose to send in a birthday treat to share with their child’s class. If you would like to do so, please note the following guidelines:
- All items should be individually wrapped and not require refrigeration or special handling.
A list of ingredients must be provided to ensure compliance with anaphylaxis management policies.
Please also note that food items will be distributed at the end of the school day. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Student Mobile Phones ~ Students do not need phones or smart watches at school during learning time.
- Mobile phones are not permitted for use at any time at St Joseph the Worker Primary School
- If parents require their child to bring a mobile phone to school for a particular reason, the phone must be turned off and handed in at the office as soon as they arrive at school.
- (Please note - just because your child has a phone, and they want to bring it to school is not a valid reason).
- Phones will be securely stored in a locked drawer during school hours.
- This also includes smart watches with network connectivity.
- If you need to pass on a message to your child, this can be done by phoning the office.
I would like to remind parents that we have students at our school who are at risk of an anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressing allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. The most common allergens among school-aged children include peanuts, eggs, tree nuts (e.g., cashews), cow’s milk, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy, sesame, latex, certain animal stings, and medications.
The key to preventing anaphylaxis in schools is awareness—knowing which students are at risk, understanding their triggers (allergens), and preventing exposure to those triggers. A strong partnership between the school and parents is vital in ensuring that we stay informed of the medical management requirements for all students.
Parents of students at risk of anaphylaxis are required to review and update their child's medical plan annually. Please return the signed confirmation form to Michele, or arrange a time to complete this review and update as soon as possible. Thank you for your support in keeping our school community safe.
Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Pick Up
When using the drive through for morning drop off, please follow these simple rules:
The lane closest to the church is designated as the "stop and go" lane. Parents should park as close to the end of the hall as possible, stop, and drop their children off. For the safety of all, please ensure your child exits the car on the right-hand side. We have witnessed several near-misses with children exiting on the left and walking in front of cars where parents cannot see them, which is a significant safety risk.
The lane near the Parish Hall is the designated parking lane, where parents should park and walk their children to the gate. This system is in place to ensure a safer and more efficient drop-off process for everyone.
When picking up your child at the end of the school day, please prioritise safe driving and parking. I have observed cars driving in church car park exit, parking in front of neighbours’ driveways, and parking illegally, such as too close to the school crossing. These actions pose serious safety risks and can disrupt the flow of traffic. Please be mindful of traffic rules and always park responsibly to ensure the safety of all students and families.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe environment for all students.
School Photos
A reminder that School photos will be taken on Monday 3rd March. Children wear their full summer uniform for photos. Students do not need to wear the school jumper or hat for the photos. Girls may have their hair out for photos, but it should be tied back afterwards. If your child has PE on Monday, they will do it in their school uniform. Please send their runners in their bag and they will change into them prior to their lesson.
Working With Children Checks
The Working with Children Check (WWC) is a screening process for assessing or re-assessing people who work with or care for children in Victoria.
It is important to ensure that your WWC is current and up to date to be able to assist in our school when volunteers are permitted. Visit https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/ to update, renew or apply for a card.
Once you have received a new card, please take a photo of your card and email it to the school office at admin@sjwreservoirnth.catholic.edu.au
Working together
If you have any concerns, queries, or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me or a member of the leadership team. For classroom matters, please email your child's teacher. For general information or inquiries, please contact the office at: admin@sjwreservoirnth.catholic.edu.au
Please remember that if you have a pressing concern regarding your child and need to see the teacher to discuss this, please make an appointment to see them. We have professional learning meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday and staff are expected to attend promptly at 3.30 pm. Staff also have a duty of care to walk their students safely to the asphalt area at the end of the day.
Special thanks to our P&F for organising our Welcome event next Tuesday evening 25th February. Gates open at 5.00 pm, families can bring a picnic or enjoy the barbeque organised by our P&F and enjoy an evening catching up with friends and families in our community. I look forward to celebrating this special event with everyone.
May St Joseph the Worker continue to bless and watch over everyone in our community.
Kind regards,
Maria Barnes
Prayer for the new school year
As we have started a new school year, we all have many hopes for the year ahead. We ask God for continuing blessing on this new school year. With open hearts we pray ~
- For the Church, that the Leaders continue to spread the good news and encourage us all to praise the words of Christ.
- That our school will always be a place of welcome, where all students, staff and parents feel valued and included.
- For all students, that they will fulfil their potential and become a witness to the message of Jesus.
- For our families, and the friends of St Carlo’s community, that we are strengthened through your love and work together.
- For those who are less fortunate than ourselves may they find peace, love and support.
- For all those who are sick. We also remember their family and friends and we ask God to give them strength and comfort at this time of need.
- For all those in our school community who have lost loved ones. We pray that the Lord will comfort them in their loss.