SCC General Notices
Secondary Sports Day - Students met some of the Jack Jumpers! - See Secondary page for more!
SCC General Notices
Secondary Sports Day - Students met some of the Jack Jumpers! - See Secondary page for more!
FRONT COVER: Year 10 Celebration Dinner
There will be a second and final newsletter on Friday. This will include photos from the College's final events, celebrating our students' wonderful achievements in 2024.
See Primary School page for more!
Last Monday our RISE students (Reaching Independence through Support and Education), invited parents and carers to share in their learning. They had the opportunity to hear about the adventures the group have been on during this semester and the learning they have individually accomplished, and then shared in some of the delicious foods the students had made for their guests.
(9 photos in this gallery)
Friday 13 December - Last day of school!
The School Picnic is be held in two locations:
Primary Picnic at Kingston Park
Secondary Picnic at Long Beach
Students will be transported to and from each location, and more information will be available in the Consent2Go which will be sent out shortly. Please ensure that students wear their PE uniform and bring their school hat, water bottle and snacks (in their school bags) to supplement their sausage sizzle lunch, which will be provided by the school.
If your child has lost their hat and you need to purchase a replacement through the Uniform Shop online please bring in a copy of the paid order (or send with your child) and we will give you or your child the hat – and write their name in it.
As the Uniform Shop has officially closed for the year we can only supply hats, no other uniform items. It will reopen in January for back to school purchases. (See separate page of this Newsletter for all those dates and details.)
To shop online:
Go to online schools shop tab, find our school
Pass Phrase: SCC1986
A big thank you to Black Square Chess for running our Chess club this year. A special mention to Anya Song for her patient, kind and caring manner with the students.
Mr Hugh Richardson
Deputy Head of Primary
Reports for all students will be circulated via email to parents on Friday 13 December.
There will not be a Parent Teacher Evening this term. If you would like to talk to your child's teacher, please contact them directly via email.
SCC is a member of the Southern Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools. .....See the Sports and Community page for more information.
Can all musical instruments which belong to Southern Christian College please be returned to the office?
We need to have these accounted for and serviced over the holidays.
ALL Library books need to be returned this week! Please look under beds and on book shelves.
Thanks again to faithful students and parents who remember weekly to return books.
I’m shaving my hair off on Thursday 12 December, 2024 to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. I’d love your support to help me reach my goal. You can donate at the link below. Thank you so much! – Elsie
This will take place during lunch time on Thursday 12 December on the Primary playground platform.
See separate page of this Newsletter for all the dates and details!