Grade 6 News

Important Reminders
- Icy Poles will be sold on Monday and Tuesday at the Senior School at lunch
- Leadership application forms are now due
- Internet Agreement forms are now due.
Upcoming Dates
- 11th Feb - Curriculum day
- 7th & 10th Feb - Swimming training (Paul Sadler Swimland) 7.15am
- 10th Feb - District Swimming Carnival
- 17th Feb - Pegasus Family Night 4.15pm
- 24th Feb - School Photos Day
- 25th & 26th Feb - Meet the Teacher interviews
- 28th Feb - House Cross Country
Learning in Action
Week Review: By Alex I
The week started quickly as we became comfortable in our new classes. To get settled in we played some fun games like an intense, competitive ‘Get to know about you Bingo’.
We got straight into writing our school holiday recounts on our newly assigned Chromebooks. We also began our Maths Masters and Word Work, learning the Latin etymology for dinosaur names and by the end, you can say we were all din-know-saurs about dinosaurs!
We started reading a very engaging book, Once. We used examples from Once to help us learn about relating pronouns, adverbs and relative clauses. For example, ‘I navigated my way through the hall, where we eat dinner, towards my seat.’ ‘where’ is the relative pronoun and ‘where we eat dinner,’ is the relative clause.
On Tuesday we gathered into the middle room to receive our grade six jumpers. We were all so excited that despite the heat, we all chucked on our new jumpers to have class photos and group photos.
The Grade 6 students have been completing work on the Head Start program. They have been learning about the new school values.
T - Teamwork
R - Respect
A - Aspire
C - Community
K - Kindness
The Grade 6 students have begun learning about their novel study "Once". The novel study is set during World War 2 and has a number of different themes the students will be unpacking.
Preview for Learning:
The students will be continuing their Literature Unit on "Once" unpacking the book and its themes. They will be completing fluency partner reading and sentence-level grammar and text-level writing linked to the novel "Once". Word work will be completed daily in class.
The students have set up their Maths Master kits ready to go for 2025. They have also completed a few Pre-tests that will ensure they are allocated a specific Maths Goal for them to work on in small groups or independently.
Our Inquiry unit for Term 1 is on Government. Our driving questions moving forward are:
Who makes decisions that influence the way we live our daily lives in society?
How are laws made?
Homework at Lysterfield Primary School
At Lysterfield Primary School our students work incredibly hard during the day. At 3.30pm when they leave, they need time to unwind and have fun. We believe that in order to live a happy and healthy life, it is important to participate in extracurricular activities outside school. We want students to join sports clubs, Scouts, do music lessons and art classes as these are important for a child’s overall growth and social connections. We also understand that homework puts a lot of stress on families.
In addition to our beliefs, there is no evidence that homework in a primary school setting has a marked impact on students learning or success. What is proven is that reading daily has a significant impact on a child’s ability to decode and comprehend. As such mandated homework at Lysterfield Primary School is limited to reading daily, including the practising of phonics (letter/sound relationships). Level newsletters will outline the expectations around reading and how teachers will support students with having appropriate texts to read. For some students, that may not be making the expected progress for their year level, it may be beneficial for the teacher and parents to work together to reinforce the learning from the classroom with follow-up work.
We also understand that some students and families would like to practise other skills at home. To support this, at the beginning of each school year, parents will be provided with a set of additional resources that can be used for students to practise other curriculum areas. This work is not mandated and it is up to parents to implement and monitor, staff will not correct this work.
Adam Wight- Principal
Grade 6 Jumpers/Shirts
The students have received their jumpers on time for 2025. They are looking very sharp indeed! Please ensure they are named.
Icy Poles
We will be selling icy poles from the Senior School building each Monday and Tuesday. Send along some gold coins as it will help with raising funds for Graduation.
From the Grade 6 Teachers
Mel Adams, Lex Fisher, Caitlin Ibbotson, Michelle Findlay and Nathan Hicks