Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Tuesday 11th Feb - Curriculum Day
Monday 24th Feb - School Photos
Tuesday & Wednesday 25-26th Feb - Meet the Teacher
Friday 28th Feb - Cross Country
Monday 10th March - Labour Day
Weekly Timetable
Learning in action
Over the past fortnight our students have been completing the Head Start program, which works on setting classroom expectations, familiarising ourselves with new routines and settling back into school life.
During Head Start the Grade 2’s have been revisiting ways of practising goals and familiarising themselves with some new ways of learning literacy. The students have been excited to delve into literature units, using picture story books to develop comprehension skills, based on the theme of ‘Teamwork and Empathy.’ Using the story ‘All the Ways to be Smart,’ students have been able to identify their own personal strengths and those of others, engaging further by looking at vocabulary and rhyme.
During sentence-level writing, students have been exposed to 4 different sentence types, practising by identifying and creating their own.
Preview - Students will continue their literature unit looking at the story ‘My Two Blankets’ and begin to look at boundary punctuation.
Word Work
In our newsletters will include the Word Work Rule we have been learning and a list of words that you may like to practise reading and writing with your child.
To start the year the Grade 2’s have been practising their Maths routines and getting used to how it looks in their new classrooms. They have loved engaging in hooks, maths games, daily reviews and of course practising Maths Masters.
We have also started our measurement investigation, learning how to measure both length and mass. Using the balancing scales to find objects that were the same was definitely a favourite!
Preview - Students will start their whole number unit, learning about patterns in numbers and practising skip counting. We will continue our measurement investigation.
Wellbeing & The Pegasus Way
Starting a new year with a new class and new teacher is always a big step. Over the past fortnight we have been working hard to help ease that step. Students have been engaging in stories, games and activities to learn about our new school values, remind them about our learner profile traits and practise our school routines.
We have also spent time getting to know each other and building our sense of community within the classroom. Students created ‘All About Me’ posters and participated in activities to find out more about each other. We also practised teamwork through games.
Preview - We will be starting our Friendology program looking at ‘My Inner Ninja.’
Homework at Lysterfield Primary School
At Lysterfield Primary School our students work incredibly hard during the day. At 3.30pm when they leave, they need time to unwind and have fun. We believe that in order to live a happy and healthy life, it is important to participate in extracurricular activities outside school. We want students to join sports clubs, Scouts, do music lessons and art classes as these are important for a child’s overall growth and social connections. We also understand that homework puts a lot of stress on families.
In addition to our beliefs, there is no evidence that homework in a primary school setting has a marked impact on students learning or success. What is proven is that reading daily has a significant impact on a child’s ability to decode and comprehend. As such mandated homework at Lysterfield Primary School is limited to reading daily, including the practising of phonics (letter/sound relationships). Level newsletters will outline the expectation around reading and how teachers will support students with having appropriate texts to read. For some students, that may not be making the expected progress for their year level, it may be beneficial for the teacher and parents to work together to reinforce the learning from the classroom with follow up work.
We also understand that some students and families would like to practise other skills at home. To support this, at the beginning of each school year, parents will be provided with a set of additional resources that can be used for students to practise other curriculum areas. This work is not mandated and it is up to parents to implement and monitor, staff will not correct this work.
Adam Wight- Principal
Grade 2 Homework options
Grade 2 Teachers
Bronte Darvidis, Mikayla Harvey and Taryn Bailey