
“This is a particularly stressful period for both parents and children and it tends to get trivialised. Parents can often transfer their stress onto their child making transitioning unnecessarily more stressful.”

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg



This week’s SchoolTV: SPECIAL REPORT: Transition

Please click the TV image below





WEEK 9 - Transition






WEEK 8 - Surviving Christmas







WEEK 7 -Confidence & Motivation






WEEK 6 - Managing Overwhelm






WEEK 5 - Talking About Bushfires






WEEK 5  -  Navigating AI Relationships






WEEK 4 - Resilience






WEEK 3 - Mindfulness






WEEK 2 - Parenting Styles






WEEK 1  - Managing Overwhelm



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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader

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