Religious Education

Religious Education
After four years, this newsletter addition will be my final one as I leave Sacred Heart this week. In 2025 I will continue my education journey at St Mary’s in Warracknabeal.
Thank you to all the beautiful children, families and staff at Sacred Heart for your friendship and for the fond memories that I will take with me.
This morning Fr Michael led us in his final End of Year School Mass for Sacred Heart Primary School before his semi retirement. Our Year 6 Graduating students were given a well deserved and beautiful farewell. We also farewelled our retiring Principal
Mr Jack Lenaghan and Deputy Principal Mrs Jane Daffy, along with staff members,
Jo Hutchinson, Leslie Pearce, Sandra Ennor, Jeremy Richardson, Carolyn Fraser,
Richelle Seuren, Michelle Wallis and myself.
This coming Sunday marks the final week of Advent and we light the last purple candle signifying Peace. This candle is also known as the “Angel’s Candle”. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.” On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day we light the white ‘Christ Candle’ signifying the life of Christ.
Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader