Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The 7/8’s have settled well into Term 4! Students have enjoyed learning about our new Inquiry Unit- “Life Cycles”. Students have been exploring different living things- plants and animals. We have looked at where different plant and animal environments. We have discussed what different living things need to survive. Students have also planted seeds into cups and have put them in the sun or shade. We have made predictions of what will happen to plant seeds. We are eager to see if our predictions are correct.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
Café program
This week we began the final term of our Hungry Flame café.
Every term, we swap jobs and we introduce a new menu item. This term 9/10A will be focusing on customer service skills with Tori and Tamara. They will be waiters in our dine in café!
9/10B will be doing lots of marketing, and taking payments with Taleisha and Josie.
9/10C will be cooking with Gabby and Angela, and 9/10D will be following their own cooking program with Sue and Sandra.
And the news you have all been waiting for……
We will be serving delicious Mexican themed burrito bowls!
Stay tuned for more news.
Travel Training
In 9/10 we do a lot of fun excursions where we learn how to plan our journey and access public transport safely. To kick start off an exciting term, we had some fun excursions.
9/10A and 9/10C travelled to Highpoint to play a game of bowling, as well as to the museum. Well done to the winners of bowling.
9/10B travelled to Watergardens where we used the Container Deposit Scheme to cash in some cans. We earned a total of $13.80 which we then used to buy some class snacks. We quickly learnt that snacks are not very cheap these days!
9/10D travelled to Sunshine Library and shops, as well as St Albans Library to choose some DVDs or books to borrow. Students also purchased a Share Tea after their hard work. Making choices, communicating and handing over money are the skills practised.
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
Students in ASDAN have made a great start to Term 4. We still have quite a few outcomes to meet before the end of the year including findings items in a shop, buying things we need for our cooking program and understanding where food should be stored.