
Last term, we launched Flourish. Flourish is a school-based initiative that has been developed to support students with evidence-based needs linked to healthy relationships, resilience and confidence development in Years 3-6.
Symantha Sawka is working with identified students in Flourish. Symantha is undertaking a placement at Miners Rest Primary School through Federation University and is completing a Bachelor of Community and Human Services.
Sessions with students have commenced with great uptake and enthusiasm.
The first task students completed was an individualised pot plant, decorated with writing and drawings that best represented themselves as people and learners. Students then planted seeds in their pots and displayed them within the Flourish space to watch them grow and evolve over the coming weeks.
It has been exciting to return after school holidays to see the seeds have started to grow and have sprouted beautiful greenery.
Watch this space for more exciting news from Flourish.
Emily Pellegrino
Inclusion & Engagement Program Coordinator