Year Five/Six News

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The senior students are off to a great start in Term 4 with plenty happening.
In reading, our students are focusing on interpreting and identifying the structural features in non-fiction texts including: imagery, headings, contents, glossary and timelines. We have been reading the text 'Hidden Figures' which is a non fiction novel. The book was made into a Drama/History movie about three women who worked at NASA as mathematicians who were instrumental in one of history’s greatest space operations.
Students have been learning about time in Maths where they are measuring, calculating, comparing elapsed time and interpreting the use of timetables.
Ever wondered how something worked? Grade 5/6 students can now tell you. Students have been writing some amazing explanations about how something in our lives work. From learning about how black holes work to how a wake board glides across the water, please ask about the explanation your child has created.
As part of our Health Curriculum, in term 4 students will be learning about Puberty. Presenters of this information will include Nikki Allen and Rick Andrews, both previous staff members of Miners Rest Primary school, now staff at Mount Rowan Secondary College. Students will be learning the following: Lesson 1- Puberty and Growing Up, Lesson 2- Naming it Right, Lesson 3- Learning About the Female Body, Lesson 4- Learning About the Male Body.
We are very proud of the senior students at our school. They are producing some amazing work and they all show amazing positivity. We have so much planned for this term and we are looking forward to all the great memories the Grade 5/6 students can create.