Year One/Two News

Welcome Back!
It has been a busy start to Term 4 in the Millie Building. Students have settled back into the classrooms beautifully and are ready for a busy and exciting end to the year. There is a lot happening this term so be sure to check the newsletter frequently and keep an eye out for any messages from teachers.
Home Reading
It has been great to see so many students already completing their home reading and starting the term off well. Remember to write a comment in your home reading diary!
Holiday Fun
Last week, students were able to share their holiday adventures through some recount writing. See some of the lovely work below…
This week, students started the swimming program. Students have been looking forward to learning new skills in the pool and developing their swimming ability, we cannot wait to see the improvements they make and the confidence they gain. A reminder to ensure ALL clothing is labelled so if anything goes missing, it can be returned. Don’t forget a towel and a bag for wet clothes!
Grandparents/ Special Persons Day
In Week 4, on Wednesday 30th of October, we are having a Millie Building Grandparents/ Special Persons Day. Please see the invitation below. More information has been sent home this week with a personalised invitation to come.
Year 2 Camp
There has been a lot of anticipation about the Year 2 Day Camp experience that will be held on Friday 15th of November. More information will be sent home in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!