Learning and Teaching

We have hit the ground running this term with our swimming program! All our learners did such a wonderful job and enjoyed every moment in the pool!
We have also launched our Inquiry for the term “Earth Explorers”. Our learners got to explore and experience different natural events that affect our world such as droughts, earthquakes, floods, and storms!
The Foundation learners have been busy learning to write simple and complex sentences. We have been using the information that we have gathered from our reading to help write facts about animals and natural events.
Year 6
Learners have started their new learning in Inquiry ‘Power Up! How Do We Harness Energy to Create Electricity?’.
Since beginning this unit of work, they have come up with many wonderings to show their interest in the topic such as ‘Will Australia ever stop using non-renewable energy?’ and ‘Why do countries still use nuclear plants if they are dangerous?’.
From these wonderings, learners have explored how renewable and non-renewable energy sources can generate electricity to homes.
Did you know that Australia’s most used non-renewable source is solar?
Students have also been able to identify different forms of energy such as kinetic, electrical and sound. To show their understanding of this, they created a map of a theme park, including different rides and activities that show the different forms of energy.
MacKillop Art Exhibition