Grade 6 News

This week's newsletter is brought to you by the Grade 6 Public Relations leaders Bella and Charlie alongside a couple of special guests; Sienna, Tyler and Jimmy.

Important Reminders

  • Government high school acceptance forms are now overdue. Please return them as soon as possible.
  • Thank you for getting the sports uniforms washed and returned. The process will continue across multiple events in Term 4.

Upcoming Dates

December 9th - Senior School Bike Ride

December 13th - Senior School Trivia Day

December 17th - Pool & Movies Excursion

December 18th - Grade 6 Graduation

Learning in Action


By Bella G


Aloha readers, unfortunately we, here in grade six, are saying good day to our author's study on Shaun Tan but greeting the project we’ve all been waiting for…. SCRAPBOOKING. If you didn’t read last week's newsletter’s ‘preview for learning’, scrapbooking is basically where kids in year six write a different writing piece for each of the 7 year levels we have completed, and then we collect those writing pieces, (and a couple nice pictures) put them all together in a book, make it look really pretty, and that is a scrapbook. Quick reminder to all the parents, we have officially started scrapbooking so if you haven’t bought your kids scrapbook (an 12 by 12 book), please make sure to do it as soon as possible. Thank you parents. But alas readers my time of writing has come to an end so adios and see you next week.


Preview for Learning: For the remainder of the term, students will be completing their final scrapbook pieces capturing their time at LPS to serve as a memoir for the future. They will be working hard to present these pieces beautifully in a scrapbook.



By Charlie P


This Maths term has been all over the place as we are currently finishing up out percentages focus, but also starting our work on ratio and chance. For chance, we have been looking at some everyday things that involve chance like dice. For a dice to roll a 6 it is a ⅙ chance or around a 16% percent chance of it rolling a specific number. Yeah I know I'm using big girl words, but basically we guessed a number and then our teacher would roll the dice and if you got it right then you get a point but if it rolls a 6 and you didn't pull out of the game before hand you lose your points and the game ends. So its a mix of strategy and a bit of stuff it mentality. Sometimes it can get pretty heated in the arena or in our case a class, people took sides, well not really but when your talking about maths you need to spice it up, anyway that's it from me. Au revoir!  


Preview for Learning: For the remainder of the term, students will be learning about probability and applying their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages to calculate theoretical and experimental probability. This will culminate in our ‘Chance Fair’ where students create a game that relies on probability, and the entire Grade 6 cohort will get together to play each other's games.



By Sienna P


This term in Inquiry we have been focusing on jobs. We had to pick an industry that we were interested in and then we had to pick a job in that industry. We then had to research how much money the job gets paid, if it's full time or part time, how you apply there and what characteristics you need. We also had a couple of people come and talk to us about their career.  We had an electrician , gymnast, federal police person, a vet and an AFLW person. Listening to all of them speak was really interesting. 




The Grade 6s have finished up their wellbeing rotations for the term, capping it off with learning how to give a great compliments. There were some warm and fuzzy feelings circulating the BER after that day! The remainder of the term will be focused on students farewelling their time at LPS, and getting ready to transition to high school.



Boys Netball

By Luke and Mitch


We arrived at the netball centre. We were so eager to play some netball,  we got ready for our first game, warming up on the sidelines. We won our first game by like 10 points and went into the second game confident. In the second game we played against Kew and won by a pretty comfortable margin. The third game was against Scoresby who gave us a bit of a shock. It was even half time but then in the last half we got away with the win.  We won all of our games because we played as a team. Tyler was goal attack, Luke played in centre along with Lachie. Fletcher stayed as the goalkeeper, Mitch and Lucas in wing Attack and wing defence, Jimmy was our goal shooter and Blake was goal defence.  At the end of the day we all had fun and we won a pool and came home with the chip.

Boys A Team
Boys A Team


Icy Poles

We have recommenced selling icy poles from the Senior School building each Monday and Tuesday. Send along some gold coins as it will help with raising funds for Graduation.


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