Grade 3 News

Important Reminders

Upcoming dates/Important Info


Literacy UP Session - 22nd November

Maths UP Session - 29th November

Christmas Concert - 3rd December, 5.30pm

Christmas Concert (back up date) - 5th December, 5.30pm

Meet your teacher and 2025 Grade - 10th December

Meet your teacher and 2025 Grade - 13th December

Last day of Term 4 - 19th December, 1.30pm Finish

Curriculum Day - 20th December 


Homework 👍Mathletics and reading.  For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games.   Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising 

All master belts


NO Hat NO play Sunsmart policy 

Learning in Action


It has been exciting to see the students’ narrative ideas come to life in the form of their published books. Meticulous care has been taken to draw and colour illustrations, front covers and even some end pages. Blurbs have been crafted to entice readers to want to read to find out more. In our grammar lessons, students have learned about ‘feeling’ verbs and after viewing a photograph, wrote sentences linking to their five senses. More recently, students have been analysing and learning the art of persuasion. 



Students will continue to analyse persuasive devices and apply this to plan and draft a persuasive writing piece of their own. In grammar lessons we will revisit ‘action’ and ‘being’ verbs. 



This past fortnight, students enjoyed finishing their fraction unit by consolidating their knowledge through different fraction games and puzzles. Students have now begun their unit on money and have been learning about Australian currency, values of coins and notes, and calculating total amounts. The grade 3 students have enjoyed learning about symmetry, identifying objects within the classroom and outside that are symmetrical. 



Looking forward, students will be continuing to calculate different money values and learn strategies to calculate change. Students will then be revising and consolidating previously taught number concepts through games and puzzles. 



During the past fortnight, students have continued exploring different energy sources in more detail. Classes have rotated around to a different grade 3 teacher, with each teacher explaining more about one of the following energy sources: hydroelectricity (with Mrs Stokol), solar (with Miss Du Vallon), fossil fuels (with Mrs Huxley), and wind (with Mrs Alexander). Students have been summarising what each type of energy is and where it comes from, drawing diagrams of how the energy is collected, and discussing the positives and negatives of each type of energy.



Students will complete their rotations to learn more about the final energy source that they haven’t looked at yet. Students will then pick one of the energy sources they learnt about to explore further.




In Friendology, we teach kids what’s normal in a friendship and the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships using the Friend-o-Meter. The first indicator of happiness is the quality of our relationships. This fortnight students have been reflecting on their friendships, identifying the qualities that constitutes a healthy friendship and then we shared Shout Outs to class members, highlighting these. We also listed the ‘deal breakers’, noting the corrosive effect over time.  Students completed a worksheet clarifying what their own ‘must haves’ and ‘deal breakers’ are.



In the next week, students will train to become a Friendship Ninja and review the key elements of the program such as how to put out common Friendship Fires® and how to use a Quick Comeback when someone is Mean-on-Purpose. Friendship Ninjas can get their friendships back into the Green-Zone on the Friend-o-Meter by working their way around the Friend-o-Cycle. They know how to Talk-it-Out, but they also understand that friendships change…and that’s okay.


Colour Run:

Grade 3 Students (and teachers) had an amazing afternoon last Friday for our Colour Run! Students loved running through the different checkpoints and getting sprayed with all the colours of the rainbow. Here are some photos from the day.


Have a wonderful weekend,


Grade 3 Team,

Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne

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