Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Grade 2 Library is on Mondays. Please ensure your child has their library bag so they can borrow weekly.
Tuesday, December 3: Christmas Concert
Tuesday, December 10: Meet your Teacher and 2025 grade 9:30am - 10:30am
Friday, December 13: 2025 Teacher and class. 2:00pm - 2:40pm
Thursday, December 19th: Last Assembly 1:00pm
Thursday, December 19th: Last day of Term. Dismissal at 1:30pm
Friday, December 20th: Curriculum Day - Student Free
Learning in action
This last fortnight we finished our Author study unit on Oliver Jeffers. Everyone had an absolute ball today at our celebration day and we loved seeing all the students dressed up. This week we commenced our persuasive unit. Using a different persuasive text students had to identify the author's arguments and the target audience.
Students continued to learn about common and proper nouns and identifying these in sentences. Students learnt about modal verbs, the difference between high and low modal verbs and writing sentences that included modal verbs.
We will continue to learn about the different features of persuasive texts. Students will revise modal verbs and how to correctly use commas.
This fortnight students have been learning about the value of Australian money. Students identified the value of coins and notes, added different amounts together and recorded the equation. Students were given $5 to spend and they had to work out the total and find out how much change there was. We discussed how there are efficient ways to count collections such as grouping coins to make dollar values.
This week we are revising graphs and what information they tell us. Students made a human graph based on their birthday months and had to write down what information they could interpret from the graph.
Students will be revising addition strategies.
This fortnight students have learnt about the Murray River and the difference between the source and mouth of a river. Students learnt that the source of the Murray River is the Great Dividing Range. We discussed some of the dangers boats face on rivers such as sandbars, things under the water's surface, the meeting of tributaries and the main river and ice in the river.
This fortnight students discussed respecting their space and their bodies. The learning intention of this lesson was for students to learn ways to tell people they do not like the way their body is being treated by others and ways to safely seek help.
These lessons are part of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationship program, which is a mandated program embedded in the Victorian Curriculum. If you wish to have a read of the program and the topics that will be discussed, you can search 'Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships level 1-2'.
For more information regarding this program, please click on the link below.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers