Good Morning all, here is this week's Halloween Weekly Wrapped 🙂


Last night the Student Councillors organised a Halloween dinner for the Residential students. We worked alongside the supervisors and kitchen staff, and would like to immensely thank them for their efforts towards the event. 


The night included a Halloween-themed dinner of pizza, sliders, nachos and mac and cheese, followed by a spooky assortment of dessert options. After dinner, prizes were announced  before watching a Halloween Shrek movie in the gym,


The best-dressed prizes were awarded as follows:

Best Singular: Abbi Alfieri

Best Duo: Rahni Ferris and Molly McIntyre-Edmonds

Best Group: Sydney Gibellini, Kate Power, Eva Ivankovich and Kiara Edwards

Best Staff member: Nicole Strehle


Prizes were tricky to award as many students got involved with some very creative outfits. 

We would like to congratulate everyone who wore a costume to support the night.