What a great day at the Brunswick Show, with students and staff heading down early Saturday and enjoyed representing the College. It was a warm day and everyone was tired by the end of the day, however we have had only positive feedback from anyone who saw us there.


The students who judged and showed some of our stock all did exceptionally well and should be very proud of their efforts.


Sunday was a casual affair as many students were tired from Saturday. There was a trip into town for those who wanted to go for a drive.


On Monday, we saw our students competing in the town basketball competition. It is really great to see so many students heading in each week.


Student Behaviour

Seeing the lack of respect in the dining room recently has been disappointing. The food served is of a very high standard and deserves to be consumed and used as missiles, which has happened recently. 


The other issue is tables thinking it is “Cool” to be the last table finished which interrupts our processes. Students have also been waiting until the last person has eaten before taking all the plates up; this has inadvertently caused some issues in the kitchen.  Staff are waiting for dishes to be cleaned, and then all of a sudden, they are inundated with so many dishes that they don't fit easily at the hatch. We have asked students to revert to the tried and proven procedures of taking their plates to the hatch as they finish eating.


Addition Activities

Students have been proactive with planning and organising some exciting activities recently.  Last week, we hosted a Beyond Blue Dinner and last night we hosted a Halloween dinner.  Thank you to the kitchen staff; the students appreciate your effort.