As most parents are aware, we use a school communication platform called “Compass”. As of Tuesday the 5th November the College will be “going live” on the Department of Education’s new Program Kaartdijin, a program that is essentially Compass.
Earlier this year, emails were generated for parents to activate their Compass login details. We strongly encourage those who have not yet set up their Compass login to please do so. If you require your activation email to be re-sent, please contact the College.
Part of this transition to Program Kaartdijin will change our attendance SMS. As of Tuesday, the 5th of November, attendance SMS messages will now come from a new contact, “HarveyAg”. The new system will notify parents, guardians and caregivers of unexplained absences or late arrivals.
Parents should delete the old absentee SMS number. Please do not use it to communicate with the school, as these messages will not be received. Please see the attached letter with more information on the SMS system and a sample message.
A link will be provided in the SMS for parents to add an attendance note in Compass for their child’s absence. The link is valid for 48 hours. Parents, please DO NOT REPLY to the message via SMS, as the school will not receive it. If parents cannot use the link provided, you are welcome to contact the school via phone 9782 2100 or email