Principal's News

Dear families,
It only seems like a few weeks ago that I was writing our welcome to 2024 newsletter and here we are on the count down to the end of the school year. Please remember to stay up to date on what is happening through the Sentral calendar. This is updated in real time and is reflective of all new information as it comes through.
We have dates planned for events including excursions, sporting activities and presentations. These are all on the public calendar for all to see.
Leeton Show
What an amazing display of items that Yanco PS put up. A big thank you to Ms Williams and Miss Grigg for taking time in the holidays to ensure that we were well represented in both the art and the produce sections. Also, a very big thank you to Joe for sharing his passion for the school garden and his ongoing work in making the grounds of our school what they are.
Hats and Headlice
Summer is here and all the kids are learning that not having a hat at school limits where they can play. No hat means that students need to stay in the shaded areas of school. We discourage sharing of hats and the use of spare hats due to the friends that can bounce from one head to another. On that, please check heads. We have had a couple of reports of head lice in students. If we all do a head check, we can keep on top of this.
We know that Summer is a time when families move areas and at times this means relocating to a new school. If you know that your family is moving area, please let us know and we will help to make the move as smooth as we can. Also, if you are aware of anyone who is planning on starting at YPS in the new year, can you please remind them to contact school.
Mental Health
Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in the month of October in NSW. Mental Health Month reminds us of the importance of looking after our mental health and wellbeing. The Month also provides us the opportunity to understand the importance of good mental health in our everyday lives and encourages help seeking behaviours when needed.
The Mental Health Month theme for 2024 is 'Let’s Talk About It'. This theme emphasises the significance of open dialogue and communication regarding mental health across various platforms and settings. The theme’s 'Talk' aspect highlights the importance of inclusive discussions, considering diverse needs and utilising different mediums for conversation. Meanwhile, the 'It' component, is open-ended, allowing individuals to choose the topics they want to discuss. This could encompass conversations of lived experience stories, navigating mental health systems, or seeking resources and support.
We encourage everyone to check in with each other and treat each other with kindness. Term 4 is challenging for many people in schools. It is a time where change in on the way. For some, it is just the holiday break coming up while others are about to start new adventures in new schools. Know my door is open and we are always ready to listen.
Thank you
Mrs Taylor