From the Deputy Principal 

Mr Anthony Speranza

Dear families,


School Closure and Student Free Day Monday 28th October

A reminder that the school will be closed on Monday 28th October to enable our staff to attend a workshop in Teaching for Impact in Mathematics Series (TIMS). Working from a robust research and evidence base, the professional development supports teachers to build upon high-impact instruction in our classrooms, to accelerate learning for all students and meet them at their point of need.


TheirCare have a day program which is open for for families requiring care on this day if required.


World Teacher's Day, Friday 25th October

Thank you to the many families who dropped off notes and cards or filled in the online forms with messages of thanks for our staff. These will be presented tomorrow in the staff room and I'm sure everyone will be delighted with them. Yesterday the SRC Representatives from each year level along with our Year 6 leaders prepared a short message to read about each staff member at tomorrow's assembly. Parents are welcome to attend, 3:00pm in the upstairs flexi space above the Year 5/6 classroom.


Puberty Family Education with Cath McCallig 7pm on Thursday 24th October

We are looking forward to our education evening with Cath McCallig tonight. Registrations can be made up until the start time. Upon registering families will receive a zoom link, allowing parents and carers to watch and listen with Cath and also have private conversations with their children.


This information evening is highly recommended for families with children in Year 5 and Year 6, although the conversations may also be appropriate for Year 4. The cost is $20 per family and the topics include:


- The Who, What, When and Why of Puberty (including the pituitary gland and hormones).

- Body parts and their correct, anatomical names

- The common physical, social and emotional changes of puberty are discussed, allowing time for students to talk with their attending adult(s) about management strategies.

- The specific changes according to a person’s body parts are covered (including wet dreams and periods) and again students have the opportunity to discuss management with their adults.


Please see attached for further information and book at 



Reminder: 2025 Technology Program, 1-to-1 devices in Years 3 to Year 6

We are pleased to continue the 1-to-1 laptop program in Years 3 to 6, where every student in those years will have access to their own computing device for the purposes of education. 


Students enrolling into Year 3 in 2025 must order and purchase a new Chromebook through the school before Monday 18th November. The order portal is now open at 


Students enrolling into Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6 in 2025 and who have already purchased a Chromebook will continue to use this device for 2024.


If you have any questions regarding the program, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Swimming program in Term 4

Our Prep to Year 3 students have commenced their swimming program which will continue until Friday 1st November. A reminder that the students swim on each day except Mondays.


As students walk as a class down to the pool, please keep an eye on the weather forecast and bring an umbrella or raincoat on wet days.


Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their assistance with the junior classes, which has been timetabled and arranged accordingly. The pool has a no spectators policy, therefore parents who have not signed in with the office and have not been arranged to assist are unable to visit the pool during lessons. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.