Purple Poppy Project...

This year the Defence students from St Joseph’s, St Mary’s and Crib Point Primary Schools are involved in another Poppy Project.
Last year you might remember we made many, many, many red poppies to make a magnificent wreath.
This year we are making purple poppies for our Purple Poppy Project!
Many people don’t know but we use purple poppies to recognise the actions of animals within the Australian Defence Forces.
We were interested to learn that pigeons, dogs, donkeys, horses, camels, cats and even elephants have been used in Defence Force projects.
During our Defence sessions, all Defence students from Prep to year 6 have been busy making purple poppies. These poppies will make 3 wreaths which can be used individually, or used singularly. The wreaths will depict a scene of an ADF member and animals which have been a part of the ADF.
On Monday after school, we are all joining together at Cerberus to have afternoon tea and continue our Purple Poppy Project.
At our school Remembrance Day Service we will use our red wreath and our new purple wreath.