Y7 Science Zoo Excursion
Our annual Year 7 Science Zoo Excursion happened early in Term 4 on a beautiful Melbourne spring day! Our students embarked on an adventure into adaptations and biodiversity to support their current biology learning.
Across the day, each class attended a workshop with the wonderful zoo educators, who had a selection of real skulls for students to analyse using their knowledge of classification. Other highlights were getting to see the lemurs and otters fed by our presenters and the enthusiasm with which our THS students engaged with the questions the presenters posed - more than one zoo staff member was impressed by our learning energy!
The students also had to visit as many exhibits as possible to discover information about various animals (including examining adaptations and a ‘match the scat’ bingo game) and enjoy the zoo at its best.
A big thank you to the Year 7s who approached the day with such eagerness and focus on the learning, the Melbourne Zoo staff, and to all the accompanying teachers and ES staff who made the day a smooth and enjoyable one!
- Tara Quenault, Head of Science