Wellbeing with 

Mrs Webber 

Peaceful Kids Term 3 and 4!

We have been wrapping up the current Peaceful Kids sessions of the past few weeks. 

In this session we enjoy the singing bowl, grounding us and getting us ready for the session. We then share how we are feeling using the Slunky Feeling Cards. We go over EVERYTHING that we have learnt, including:

  • What a worry is and that everyone worries 
  • What happens to our bodies when we are worried or stressed (heart racing, headache, shaking, crying etc)
  • What happens in our brain (the role of the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex)
  • Coping strategies that we can do to make ourselves feel better
  • Positive thoughts that we can use change our mindset and help us feel better


I encourage the students to continue with their meditations if they enjoy them and sharing how they are feeling with their ‘safe’ people. 

The students finished our session with a celebration with some mindfulness through art. They used watercolour pencils and paints to do a drawing of choice. 

Thank you for being so open, honest and willing to try something new! Well done!