Student Inclusion and Wellbeing

Intervention Programs

Intervention is designed for students from Year 1 to Year 6 who have experienced difficulties accessing the Mathematic and English curriculum appropriate to their age.


Most students require support at some point in their education, as they encounter a variety of areas within the curriculum. Students may need different skill sets as they cover a range of concepts. All children learn at a different pace, so intervention is essential to accommodate personal needs and abilities.


What is offered at Lysterfield?



The Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) focuses on the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy, which are critical for success in school and life. It is delivered through targeted small group learning support to students who need it most. The Initiative commenced in 2021 and has continued to be delivered in 2024.


The TLI is delivered by Michelle Findlay. Michelle predominantly works with middle and senior school students who have been identified by classroom teachers to deliver targeted extension and/or catch-up learning activities. Students enter the program with specific goals relating to their current performance in English and/or Mathematics and their progress is monitored over time. Tutoring sessions complement the regular curriculum and support the lessons taking place in the classroom.



MacqLit is an explicit and systematic reading intervention program for small groups of students. It is aimed at students in Grade 3 and above. The program is designed to teach children appropriate strategies for reading and spelling. It is delivered by our trained MacqLit teacher, Sian Hurbert 3 days a week. Year 6 students this year have the program delivered by Bronwyn Phillip and Kate Potter with the support of Sian.




For those students who are deemed as needing extra time and support with their literacy development, the MiniLit program is offered during Grades 1 and 2.  It provides personalised, intensive, and systematic instruction in five areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary knowledge, and comprehension.


This program is provided in a small group setting and is currently being delivered by our trained Minilit teachers, Joanne Forster and Emily Simms.

If your child becomes involved with our Intervention Programs, you will initially be told by the classroom teacher, followed by progress reporting each semester. As a parent, we know how important it is for you to be aware of the progress your child is making.



Robyn Mowat,  Assistant Principal | Student Inclusion and Wellbeing.




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