From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
In schools the terms go by very quickly as there is always a lot going on, however term 2 and 3 seem to be much busier with student events than the others. We are very conscious that student events often come with additional costs for families and that this can put a strain on families. If you have concerns about making payments for excursions, incursions and camps don't hesitate to contact Cath Campion, our Business Manager, so we can support you where possible.
Over the remainder of this term, we will release the costs for school camps to families, these are without doubt the most expensive student events. At the end of 2022 we surveyed families about the make-up of our school camps and also the cost, we have tried to remain within the guidance families gave at the time. At the end of this year we will reach out again to get your feedback and adjust accordingly. With camps booked about 2 years in advance, it is difficult for us to act quickly with regards to change but we will continue to do our best respond to the needs of our community.
Family Engagement
At Lysterfield Primary School we value the connection and input of our parent community, we are all part of the Pegasus Family. We believe a connected and engaged school community is essential to delivering the best possible learning and wellbeing outcomes for students. As such, we are looking to enhance opportunities for parents to connect and engage with the school community and we would like your input.
Below is a survey that investigates 3 areas: Social Sustainability, Impactful Engagement and Connected Community
We would like to know:
- Your needs in supporting your child with their learning, health and wellbeing?
- How our school can support you with your own health and wellbeing?
- In what ways we could better connect our parent community?
Please click here to have your say.
2025 Prep Enrolments
2025 Prep enrolments are now open. The Department of Education and Training has released a new state-wide Prep digital enrolment and timeline and this timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Prep at a Victorian government primary school. Enrolments are now open, please click here for the registration link and to complete the enrolment application.
Enrolment timeline:
● Submit an enrolment form for Prep by Friday 26th July 2024
● You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 29th July
● When you receive an offer of placement, you should accept the offer by Friday 23rd August 2024. You can accept only one placement offer.
Year 6-7 Transition
Our grade 6 students received their Year 6 – 7 Transition Forms last Wednesday. If you have not received yours, please check your child’s bag or contact our office. Transition forms are due Friday 10 May.
Napoleon Road Maintenance Works - Sunday, May 5th to mid June
We have been advised that Napoleon Road between Kellets Road and Lysterfield Road will be closed nightly between 9:00 pm and 5:00 am; Sundays to Thursdays. Lane closures and a speed reduction will be in place on Napoleon Road between 9:00 am and 3.30 pm, Mondays to Fridays with traffic management controllers and signs to help you safely move through the area. With this being during school hours, please allow additional time for pick up and drop off.
Have a brilliant weekend!
Adam Wight | Principal