From the School Leadership Team 

L'équipe de direction de CJC

Today we were able to celebrate and share a special Mother’s Day breakfast and gift stall for our families and the community. These special days are made possible through the hard work and efforts of volunteers and teams of helpers who make such a difference around our school.


Our Mother’s Day Stall was another resounding success. The volunteers made sure all our little customers went home with a little something special to give to those mums, carers and relatives who they will celebrate with on Sunday. Thanks again to everyone involved.

The modern Mother's Day began in the United States, at the initiative of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. It is not directly related to the many traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have existed throughout the world over thousands of years but has become an important modern tradition when we spend time together and acknowledge the importance of this special day. It is celebrated on many different dates across the globe.

We hope your Sunday will be a special one indeed and I hope you enjoy opening the gifts as much as your children enjoyed choosing them. 


New Caledonia visitors


In line with our sister school project with New Caledonia, we welcomed, on Monday, Aurore, Marianne, Beatrice and Laure.

They have been working alongside our teaching staff this week.  There is a small Bio on each of them on a separate page of this newsletter.


Cross Country


The students had a fantastic time at Cross Country today. They all displayed excellent sportsmanship. Thank you to the parents and carers who joined us for the morning. We came fifth overall.


SEIL visit


Today we had a visit from Kevin Murphy, who is the Senior Education Improvement Leader for our school (and he is my boss) and he was at CJC to look at the work we are doing around the 2024 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), student wellbeing and the development of our numeracy programs across the school.


School tours


School tours for 2025 enrolments are in full swing and our enrolments are now governed by a DET enrolment process and schedule that directs schools to follow a common timeline.


Year 6 transition 


Year 6 transition form submissions closed today. We thank families for submitting their forms in a timely manner.


Safety and Wellbeing Committee


Last week we held the initial meeting of the Safety and Wellbeing Committee of School Council. We are seeking some parent volunteers to join this group and provide support and direction for the planned work of this committee. Meetings will run for around one hour and will be held at school during the school day. Please contact the office if you would like to support our school through your involvement with this important work. A key focus for this team will be parking and traffic management around the school.


Attitude to School Survey (AToSS)


This week, our year 4, 5 and 6 students participated in the AToSS survey. This survey gains our students perspectives on their teachers, school, themselves as learners and their friends. We will receive the data in Term 3 and will conduct workshops with our students and staff to unpack that data. We will celebrate what we are doing well and work with our students and staff to devise actions for improvement.


This is a key way that we receive student voice for the betterment of our school. 


We wish you a lovely weekend!