Year 11 & 12

Mr Tim Hayward

Important exam information

 As we approach Week 5, Year 11 and 12 students are fervently preparing for their Semester One Examinations. While this period might seem daunting, especially for Year 11’s who are completing their first 3 hour exams, it's crucial to recognise that thorough preparation ensures confidence and readiness; this is when diligence and hard work that has been put in place over this first semester of the year starts to pay off. These exams present a valuable chance for students to demonstrate theirunderstanding and depth of knowledge of ATAR course content and the assessable skills they have learned in their lessons. Students should consider these examinations as an opportunity to showcase their academic capabilities, and to gain valuable feedback to focus achievement and effort in Semester Two.


Semester One Exams start on 16 May, in Week 5, and conclude at the end of the following week, on 24 May.


Students are only required to be at school for each of their exams and are expected to be in full winter school uniform. Year 12s may be in their leavers jacket. 


If students wish to see a teacher for help in preparation for their exams they are asked to make an appointment, to ensure the teacher is available and would need to be in uniform when at school 

If students wish to come to school to study, they must be in full winter school uniform, sign in at reception and they may use the Laurence Library. The city library is also a great alternative

APEx during exam time

Year 11 APEx students

All full Year 11 APEx students are required to attend the ‘World of Work Week’ sessions, which include workshops, guest speakers, and a variety of site visits. A schedule has been distributed to all APEx students. Students do not need to wear their winter school uniform, they may wear their PE uniform to school and all off-campus visits. 


Any APEx students who are also studying ATAR subjects and therefore need to sit an exam(s) can use this time to study but can also opt to attend these sessions if they wish to do so.


Year 12 APEx students

Year 12 APEx students can use this time to complete outstanding work or do study for any ATAR and APEx courses. This is a great opportunity for students to ensure that they are on top of their studies to ensure a smoother run to the end of the year. 


They may attend ‘World of Work Week’s sessions, if they have a particular interest/need. Booking through Ms Tagore is essential in this case for any attendance by a Year 12 student.

IDAHOBIT Day – May 17

IDAHOBIT stands for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about discrimination and violence faced by LGBTQ+ individuals around the world.


This day urges us to stand against all forms of discrimination and work towards a more inclusive society. IDAHOBIT Day highlights the importance of education and awareness. By educating ourselves and others about LGBTQ+ issues, we can challenge stereotypes, combat prejudice, and promote understanding and acceptance.


At St George’s we consider IDAHOBIT Day as an opportunity to reflect on the importance of equality, education, support, and action.


On Friday May 17, each year group is asked to dress in a particular colour of the rainbow, in support of the day.

Year 7 – Red

Year 8 – Orange

Year 9 -  Yellow

Year 10 – Green

Year 11 – Blue

Year 12 - Purple


Mr Tim Hayward

Head of Year 11 & 12