Year 7 & 8

 Ms Taryn Sephton

Ms Sephton
Ms Sephton

Quay to fun

To take advantage of the wonderful weather, the Year 7s embarked on a wellness walk to Elizabeth Quay this week, strolling across the bridge and marvelling at the changing face of the city with all the new construction going up around them. In preparation for the upcoming Science excursion to the Zoo, they checked out the South Perth ferries and familiarised themselves with the departure point when travelling to South Perth. After a short rest in the shade, they returned to school to finish off the last 10 minutes of the lesson with a fun Just Dance. A great day for a walk and talk!

'Doing a Bradbury'

The Year 8s worked through a PowerPoint titled Last One Standing. They explored the story of Australian speed skater, Steven Bradbury, who won Australia’s first Winter Olympic gold medal in 2002 and inadvertently coined the phrase “doing a Bradbury”. With a focus on the concepts of Determination and Resilience, the lesson finished with a discussion around what does “doing a Bradbury really mean”?


Year 8 Camp is booked for Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 May. Held each year at Jarrahfall Bush Camp in Dwellingup, It promises to be an action-packed three days and will provide students with the time to connect outside of the regular classroom, away from the distraction of technology. Communication has already gone out to families and students are reminded to return the camp notes to their Pastoral Care Group teacher as soon as possible.


Ms Taryn Sephton

Head of Year 7 & 8