Heads of House

Around the Houses

Gandhi House

Incredible events

These past few weeks have brought with them  several incredible Gandhi House events. Students have represented Gandhi House proudly across the Interhouse Performing Arts Festival, Interhouse Cross Country and our very own Gandhi Amazing Race. Our Interhouse Performing Arts Team is just incredible. The night was a huge success and Gandhi finished second overall. A massive shout out to Isla Andrews for winning best individual dance performance and Linus Miller for winning best individual drama performance. All Houses showed incredible talent and it was a great display of the immense passion of our students.

To finish first in cross country is no easy feat and we are incredibly proud of Gandhi House for doing so. Congratulations to all the individual champions and sportsmanship award winners. It was an excellent day and so exciting to have the whole school able to attend the beautiful grounds of Kings Park for the morning.


Lastly, well done to Gandhi PCG 1, led excellently by Ms Della, on their win in the Gandhi Amazing Race. It was a very joyful PCG activity and the friendly PCG rivalry was great to see! 


Our next House event for the term is House Week in Week 7. Keep an eye out on notices to sign up for the multitide of house based lunchtime events.  Go Gandhi!


Ms Amy  Perejmibida

 Head of Gandhi House

Lincoln House

Time to recharge

With the Interhouse Cross-Country done and dusted and the sun having set on the Lincoln House Parent Sundowner, we will have a few weeks of reprieve until our next House event in Week 7 – Term Two House Week. This will give everyone in the House some time to recharge from an amazing term and a half of fantastic House and School events. It also allows us time to reflect on what it means to be a part of Lincoln House. 

In my own reflections, I am incredibly proud of the efforts of the students of Lincoln House. I


t was great to see the participation of so many students during the Cross-Country. I am also extremely pleased with the turn out for the Lincoln Sundowner, which was a lovely event and an excellent opportunity to connect with the wider House community and was very sorry to have missed it due to being unwell.

Furthermore, I would like to congratulate the following students for their individual awards: Lily Roberston – Runner-up Champion Girl, John Carter – Runner-up Champion Boy, Liam Thompson - Runner-up Champion Boy, Lenny Krebs - Runner-up Champion Boy, Nancy Hunt - Runner-up Champion Girl, Adam Lowe and Kaylee Chin – Sportsmanship award. 

More information about House Week events will be released soon – I encourage everyone to join in. 

Mr Vincent Lim

Head of Lincoln House

Mandela House

Immensely proud  

A huge congratulations to all Mandela students is well and truly in order. Not only did we retain our crown for the Interhouse Dance Performance, but we won the overall event and came second in the Interhouse Drama Performances. This is a huge accomplishment, and we are immensely proud of all students who rehearsed, practiced and then performed on the night. A special thank you to Ms McGaw and Ms Watson for organising the event.

Also, a massive thank you and congratulations to Mandela students for their efforts in the Interhouse Cross Country event last week. We came second, which is great, but what really made the day was seeing how motivated students were - all having a go and having fun. Keep it up, Mandela.


The following students of Mandela were awarded trophies or medals on the day: 

  • Year 7:  Annabel Moggach (Sportsmanship Award)
  • Year 8: Jacob White (Champion), Sasha Warren (Runner Up), Molly Green (Sportsmanship Award)
  • Year 9: Scarlett Wallace (Runner Up)
  • Year 10: Benji Yan (Runner Up)
  •  Open Year 11 & 12:  Jared Moro (Champion), Jordan Karagania (Runner Up), Amelie McKeon (Runner Up).

Looking ahead, we have our own Talent Show Charity Day Event at the end of next term. I encourage all Mandela students to start thinking about any talents or performances they want to showcase to the School. Go Mandela!

 Mr Thomas Dempers

Head of Mandela House