Let's Talk Careers

Mrs Sharan Tagore

Optimise being organised! 

As parents and guardians of Year 10 to 12 high school students, you play a pivotal role in guiding your children towards both academic success and a fulfilling life. One key area that is often overlooked but is critical to success in both school and life is the development of strong organisational skills.


Why Organisation Skills Matter 

Organisational skills enable students to manage their time efficiently, keep track of assignments and deadlines, and maintain a balanced study-life routine. These skills are not just about keeping a neat desk or an organised school bag; they are about creating systems that allow students to thrive in a structured and predictable environment.


Academic Benefits

Students with strong organisational skills tend to perform better academically. They are less likely to miss deadlines, more prepared for classes, and can allocate appropriate time to study for tests and complete projects. For example, using the school diary can help students keep track of their assignments and plan out their study sessions, which can lead to better grades and a deeper understanding of the material.


Life-Long advantages

The benefits of organisational skills extend far beyond high school. In TAFE, university and in the workplace, these skills are essential for managing complex schedules and meeting the demands of a fast-paced environment. Being organised can also lead to increased productivity and the ability to set and achieve long-term goals.

Top tips: Four ways to be better organised

Time Management: Encourage your child to use a digital calendar or a physical planner to schedule their study times, extra-curricular activities, and personal time. The School Diary is the perfect place for this to occur. ' 

Checklists: Creating daily to-do lists can help students prioritise tasks and gain a sense of accomplishment as they check off completed items.


Clean Workspace: A tidy study area, free from distractions, can improve focus and efficiency.


Regular Review: Setting aside time each week to organise notes and review materials can help students stay on top of their studies and retain information.

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Mrs Sharan Tagore

APEx, Careers and Curriculum Coordinator