New faces

Administration Assistants

Congratulations, Aimee!

St George's much-loved Enrolments Registrar Aimee Thyer (pictured centre) was farewelled on maternity leave at a staff gathering last Friday afternoon - and then surprised us all with the news that she welcomed to the world a beautiful daughter named Holland just two days later! 

Baby Holland
Baby Holland

As Aimee settles into motherhood and embarks on maternity leave, we have some new Administration Assistants who have been working alongside her into the lead-up. 

Q& A with . . .

Mrs Donna Sadgrove

THE DRAGON: Is it true there are some students here you whom you have known since kindy?

Mrs Sadgrove: Yes! Having worked for more than 13 years in Early Childhood I have supported many, many students over the course of this time.  I spent many years working within pre-kindy, kindergarten and pre-primary students, assisting both in and out of the classroom, as well as spending a couple of years in Year 2 and 3 classrooms supporting Special Needs. It is great to see a couple of my old kindy students here as high schoolers!


What was your first impression of St George’s Anglican Grammar School?

Definitely the support and the pastoral care that the school provides - not only for students but staff as well! Working now within the administrative environment, it’s great to be behind the scenes that fundamentally assist the smooth operations of the school. I love it!

What is on  your bucket list? 

To explore the world and experience life as best I can!

Q& A with . . . 

Miss Ella Whitson

THE DRAGON: Tell us something about yourself that might surprise our students?

Miss Whitson: I secretly want to be a police officer - not any time soon but some day!

What do you enjoy most about your new role at St George’s Anglican Grammar School?

I love that it is a place where you can grow professionally and there are so many new opportunities, especially with the new building evolving at 441 Murray St. Also, the staff are an amazing group to work with and there is a real sense of ‘team’ throughout the School.


What skill you would love to learn?

The Maori Language - my sister and her children live in New Zealand and speak both English and Maori.

Q& A with . . . 

Mrs Laurie Joseph

How is St George’s different to other schools where you have worked?

Mrs Joseph: St George’s is not just different, it is unique and it feels like a big family. 

What makes your day?

Getting to know the students and being a familiar face for them. I also enjoy being part of a great administration team of staff who love their jobs just as much as I do.


Describe your role in three words.

Busy, varied, interesting!