Secondary 7/8

Term 2 has been a busy term for Secondary 7/8A and students should be proud of what they have achieved.
This Term the students have worked hard to develop their skills in reading, writing, numeracy and discovery.
In reading, we have been gaining new vocabulary words and practising answering “who” and “what” comprehension questions when exploring the text “Celebrations Around the World” by DK.
In writing, students have been practising writing sentences that include who, what and what like words, as well as, including a full stop at the end. These writing pieces have been inspired by our language experiences where the students have often engaged in craft activities related to our discovery topic.
In Discovery, students have explored the difference between commemorations and celebrations and what these look like in different countries and cultures. These have included ANZAC Day, Eid, Lunar New Year, Day of the Dead, Reconciliation Week, Holi, and Diwali.
In numeracy, students have explored the topics of patterns & algebra, addition & subtraction and time. They have practised identifying different types of patterns, adding and taking away from a group to make a larger or smaller number and comparing different durations.
Additionally, Term 2 has also marked the start of Spectacular Dance practice. Students have been practising their dance routines each Friday for the upcoming Secondary 7/8 Spectacular, Grease. Students this term also attended Toolangi Camp where they showed bravery in attempting the possum glider, high ropes course, obstacle course and zipline and demonstrated teamwork through building and racing billy carts.
We can't wait to see all the progress and fun that is in store for the second half of the year.
During Term 2, Secondary 7/8B have been hard at work learning about different celebrations and commemorations from around the world. We started the Term with a trip to Watsonia RSL the day after ANZAC Day, observing how people in the community pay respect to those who have served our country overseas. We participated in activities related to National Reconciliation Week and identified what we could do to create a fairer Australia for everyone. The class created a Wominjeka sign to show that we welcome all people into our classroom and respect all of the different cultural backgrounds people are from.
Throughout the term, we also learned about various holidays such as Holi, Day of the Dead and Lunar New Year, it was great to see the class engaged with learning about traditions from different cultures. I hope everyone can celebrate all of their hard work with a nice break over the Holidays.
Secondary 7/8C have well and truly settled into their new classroom. We love the light, the space and view from the windows, and the bonus of getting extra exercise climbing those stairs several times a day!
Term 2 has been full of learning and action. We have learnt about a variety of Celebrations and Commemorations, kicking off each new topic with a related creative language experience activity on Monday mornings. This is a great way to ease into the week and, along with our Reading texts, allow us to explore language to feed into writing tasks.
We break into Maths groups five days a week and continue our learning at a level and pace suited to each student in the class.
We had a visit to the Mile Room, at the Discovery Centre, the current theme being Australia in the 1800s. We had a great time exploring the dress ups and props from this era.
Toolangi Camp was so exciting. Apart from the fantastic adventure activities, such as the possum glider and high ropes course, we were able to demonstrate our abilities to find our own pyjamas and toothbrushes in our bags, and then manage to pack up all our belongings at the end of camp – no mean feat!
Secondary7/8C have thrown themselves into rehearsals for the Spectacular, ‘Grease’, impressing our dance teacher with our great dance moves and enthusiasm.
We wish the whole school community a wonderful mid-year holiday.
Term 2 has been a whirlwind of activity for students in Secondary 7/8D.
It has been fantastic to see the connections that are forming in our classroom.
Extending on our Term 1 Discovery focus of “what is culture?”
Term 2 saw students focusing on celebrations and commemorations around the world. Prompted by the text “Celebrations Around the World” by DK, we explored many different countries and cultures, and compared them with our own. Some of these included ANZAC Day, Eid, Lunar New Year, Day of the Dead, Reconciliation Week, Holi, and Diwali. Students shared their own knowledge before diving into an inquiry project about a celebration or commemoration of their choice.
In literacy, we have continued our learning of letter sounds using the SoundsWrite Program. It has been great to see the progress students are making and the change in confidence some students are having towards their reading and writing.
In numeracy, we focused on patterns & algebra, addition & subtraction, time and place value. Students completed a range of engaging activities in both whole class and small group settings to explore these mathematical concepts. Students were able to target their respective IEP goals in small groups or in one-to-one learning opportunities.
Term 2 has also marked the start of Spectacular Dance practice. Students have been practising their dance routines each Friday for the upcoming Secondary 7/8 Spectacular, Grease. This has fast become a highlight in the week for some students.
In Term 2, our SRC has been Dante. Next term, Secondary 7/8D will vote for a new SRC representative.
It has been an awesome term for 7/8D, and great to see the students' connections continue to develop. The sense of community in the classroom is fantastic. I look forward to all the good moments to come in the second half of the school year.
Adam Rankin
Secondary 7/8E have had a fantastic Term 2 of learning of fun. We welcomed our new ES, Belinda who we are grateful to have working and supporting us, we moved into our new classroom in the fresh new building.
Language Experiences have occurred each Monday morning, where we have made items that various cultures use to celebrate and commemorate what is significant within their community. We are learning to read what messages our bodies are sending us through awesome experiments we did with Keely, Concords’s Occupational Therapist. We have trialled a variety of tools that will assist us to get our bodies and minds ready to learn. We have tools that increase energy levels and tools that are calming.
We are all Spectacular! Students are rehearsing to learn all 3 dances (4 for some students) and their lines for our performance of ‘Grease’. I hear, “Grease is the Word”.
Semester 1 is done and dusted, we can’t wait to see what Semester 2 has in store for us.
Term 2 has been a whirlwind of activity, with our students transitioning into our new building. They've adapted and thrived in the excellent spaces, utilising the great learning areas.
The excitement continued at Camp Toolangi, where our students participated in the flying Fox, Possum Glider, and High Ropes, proving that adventure and resilience are important parts of their learning journey. Back at school, they were equally busy with a variety of engaging activities.
The students were really engaged in the Discovery Unit, which was ‘What is Culture,’ and enjoyed all the varied learning experiences immersed within Reading and Writing. We have moved around the world, looking at Celebrations and Commemorations that are central to the culture of that country. These have included ANZAC Day, Eid, Lunar New Year, Day of the Dead, Reconciliation Week, Holi, and Diwali.
In Maths, our students have been making positive strides. We've covered place value, addition and subtraction, and location. Working in our differentiated groupings, we've focused on building strong conceptual understanding. This has been further reinforced by tackling real-world problems within these areas.
Additionally, Term 2 has also marked the start of Spectacular Dance practice. Students have been practising their dance routines each Friday for the upcoming Secondary 7/8 Spectacular, Grease.
We very much look forward to Term 3. We wish the whole school community a wonderful mid-year holiday.
Term 2 has been jam packed full of activities and learning opportunities for the students in Secondary 7/8.
This term we focused on celebrations and commemorations around the world. We explored many different countries and cultures, and compared them with our own. Students shared their own knowledge before diving into an inquiry project about a celebration or commemoration of their choice.
In numeracy, we focused on patterns & algebra, addition & subtraction, time and place value. Students completed a range of engaging activities in both whole class and small group settings to explore these mathematical concepts. I think the class’ favourite were the “minute to win it” activities, where the students had one minute to do something tricky like pass a tissue around the room using two straws. These activities introduced our unit on “time” and was an engaging way to give a concept of how long one minute is.
Of course I have to touch on how hard the students have been working to put together our Secondary 7/8 Spectacular, Grease. I am so proud of the work the students have put in so far, including practising scripts at home and dancing at recess and lunch! This is a show you won’t want to miss.
In Term 2, our Class Captain has been Andrew and our SRC has been Raghav. Next term we will choose a new Class Captain and SRC, so stay tuned!
Overall it has been a great term, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what the second half of the year holds for the students of 7/8G.
Term 2 has been both engaging and exciting for Secondary 78H students. We have had the joy of moving into the new 7/8 building and 78H classroom. The students have loved setting up their new space and making it their own.
This term, we have continued to explore culture and diversity throughout both our English and Discovery Unit sessions. We have enjoyed sharing personal experiences with others as well as learning new things about cultures from around the world. Some of the favourite celebrations we have researched are Holi, Day of the Dead, Lunar New Year and Eid.
In maths, we have explored patterns and algebra, addition and subtraction. Students began exploring patterns in our environment going on a pattern hunt around the school and showing their understanding about repeated patterns and growing patterns. The students shared their knowledge of addition and subtraction and worked on strategies to help them solve these problems. They also took part in a variety of hands-on activities and games to support their learning.
Secondary 78H have had many highlights this term including the year 7/8 camp to Toolangi and rehearsals for the Secondary Spectacular of ‘Grease’.
We look forward to seeing what term 3 brings for us!
Occupational Therapist: Keely Wescott and Speech Pathologist: Leia Leventis
It has been a big term in the Secondary 7/8! School camp was a great opportunity for students to build connections, use teamwork skills and build on their independence. In the classroom students continue to work through the Sounds-Write Program to read and write. In OT, students are working on how to get themselves “ready to learn” by trialling a range of regulation tools to support them in the classroom.