Connect: Year 5

Key dates - Year 5

  • Open Maths Afternoon - Tuesday 21st May
  • Sausage Sizzle - Friday 24th May
  • Years 5/6 Hoop Time - Thursday 6th June
  • Kings Birthday Public Holiday - Monday 10th June

The Next Fortnight of Learning


In the next two weeks students will begin an investigation on to the structure and style of non-fiction texts. This will include utilising mentor texts to complete anchor charts which highlight visual and written components of non-fiction texts. Students will be brainstorming topics of interest in their writers' notebooks to generate ideas. In reading students will participate in a book tasting to review a variety of texts for their book club. They will work collaboratively to assign roles and follow expectations to lead discussions about their chosen texts.



In Maths we will focusing on decimals. We will explore strategies for finding equivalent fractions and comparing to see which is larger. In coming weeks students will build upon their place value knowledge by extending to decimals, as we learn to read and order decimal numbers correctly.  



As part of this term's inquiry unit titled, 'Making Democracy' students will be learning about how laws are made and enforced. They will explore how each level of government has various powers for making laws and the process of a bill becoming a law. Students will also explore how laws are enforced in Australia and the role of various law enforcement agencies within Australia. 



Over the next two weeks in Wellbeing students will be learning to identify scenarios we might face in our everyday life that we can resolve ourselves, with a friend or seek help from a trusted adult. The learning will encourage students to build resilience and celebrate their ability to solve everyday problems independently.

Celebration of Learning

Constructing 3D Objects

Mother's Day Celebrations

Year 5 Sports Day

Kitchen Garden - 5A