Connect: Year 2

Hello Grade Two Families! 


We loved having so many special friends in during our Mother's Day afternoon. It was lovely to meet those who were able to come. 


Key Dates

Tuesday the 21st of MayMaths Open Afternoon 
Friday the 24th of MaySausage Sizzle Day
Monday the 3rd of JuneGrade Two Swimming Week


  • Please send in your child's reading satchel everyday. We go to Library on Thursday so please ensure their satchel and/or library bag is packed or they will not be able to borrow for home.
  • Learning starts promptly in the morning. Please remember to take/remind your child to use the toilet before the 8.45am bell so nothing important is missed. 
  • Please be mindful that mornings are a time filled with lesson prepping, staff collaboration and preparation for the day. We are always happy to schedule meetings with parents and guardians on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, alternatively feel free to email us with any questions, comments or concerns.  
  • Thank you to those who have joined our Class Dojo's so far. If you are yet to do so, please check for a Dojo link in your emails asking you to join our class to see your child's progress. 

Upcoming Learning in Grade Two

In Literacy, Grade Two is learning about 'air' as in 'airy fairy fair and 'oo' as in 'boo the goose.' We are also starting to create our very own narratives. We are continuing our work on Mem Fox and moving onto another one of her books, 'Wilfred Gordon Mcdonald Partridge'. Check it out here!

In Maths, we are continuing our work on Place Value, Fractions, Spatial Terms, and Measurement. We will continue to use Maths games to build fluency and strengthen our love of Numeracy. We have loved learning 'Mastermind', 'Double Hat-trick' and 'Greater Than'. Check our Greater Than below, or ask you child to teach it to you (they're very good at this game)!


Our Term 2 Inquiry topic is called 'Stimulating Science' and focuses on the way everything in our physical world can change. They will build an understanding of how and why changes occur and how they help us in our daily lives. Below is an outline of the unit with more detail...


Term Two has the Wellbeing focus of 'Gender & Identity' where students will explore the following topics: Identity (comparing personal preferences), Labels are for jars not for people, inclusive gender stories and using personal strengths to resist gender stereotyping. We are continuing to explore the Zones of Regulation and students are developing their ability to articulate what zone they are in and share why. Students are continuing to earn Dojo points for displaying the Skye Primary School values relating to Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationship. 


Our Celebration of Learning!

We have loved getting outside for our learning tasks this week. 

We wanted to thank families again for coming into the classroom for our Mother's and Special Friends Afternoon. It was so lovely to watch you all complete the questionnaires together and hear about you from the Grade Twos. Catch your photos below! 




Krystal, Hailee, Emma and Maddy