Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden Activities
We have begun Term 2 in the garden and explored the developments of our planting. We decided it was time to harvest our rocket plants, which have been thriving and growing in almost 7 beds. This mammoth task was taken on with full enthusiasm by our Year 3 and 4 students which involved a major production line of students picking, sorting, bagging and tying. We even had quality controllers sorting out the rocket leaves to make sure the best had been packaged. Eager students returned at recess to finish off the job, and all were very excited to be able to share our harvest with our school community. Environment Leaders Elizabeth and Reese, together with Max, Eleanor, Poppy, and James from Years 3 and 4, enjoyed handing out the bags at the end of the day. If you had the opportunity to take some of our rocket home, we hope it was delicious and thoroughly enjoyed!
Throughout this process, we talked about getting the garden beds ready for the next planting session. Students discovered worms and other mini beasts like ladybugs and aphids, and their role in the ecosystem of our garden. We received wonderful insight from our parent and grandparent helpers, Miranda, David and Jan on this topic too. Our helpers' knowledge is so benefical to our students' understanding when these impromtu questions and interesting facts arise. We also discussed soil quality and the importance of composting and removing the gum leaves and weeds to get our soil just right, in prepartion for planting our silver beet seedlings.
Next week's cooking sessions will include creating a menu of savory muffins, rhubarb muffins along with a radish and pea side salad.
We can't wait to roll up our sleaves and get cooking!
Ms Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Coordinator