Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.


Week 1, Term 2



During Buddies last week you displayed your resilience by joining your year 5/6 buddies in a get to know you activity, even when you felt shy talking to new people. I'm very proud of you for having a go even when it felt scary. Well done Keenan, keep up the great effort!



For being a motivated learner in all lessons last week. Ethan got on with his work independently and listened carefully to all directions.  He chose to invest in his work doing his best and then a little bit more.  What a great example of using the engagement continuum to lift your work. Keep up the wonderful work Ethan.



For being a kind and collaborative learner who makes the classroom an enjoyable place to be. You happily welcome other students into groups to include them, especially during our Literacy sessions when responding to a text together. Your contributions during class discussions this week show just how invested you are in your learning, particularly during Inquiry. Keep up the fabulous work, and thank you for showing us how to be a kind person Chase. 



For being a curious learner and supportive member of our class.  Arya impressed me with the insightful ideas and questions she shared with the class during our inquiry and writing lessons this week.  Arya has also displayed leadership around the classroom by proactively supporting her teachers and peers with any questions they have.  Well done, Arya.  You are an asset to 1/2S! 



For being a motivated learner who has hit the ground running at the start of this term. Your enthusiastic smile has made our week as you have eagerly listened to your teachers and peers and completed all tasks with passion. Keep it up Edgar!



For being a collaborative learner who settled into her first week at SMDP with confidence! Khaliee has connected with her peers, created new friendships and is a delightful addition to our learning community! We look forward to making new memories together this year!  



For being a motivated learner in writing. Mehar has been a motivated learner during our Mallee Sky activities as she organises herself for learning and starts the tasks independently. You have been working hard to have a positive Term 2 and have made an excellent start. Keep it up, Mehar!



For being a motivated learner in maths. Yanet has worked hard to find more than one strategy for solving multiplication problems and is eager to share these with the class. Well Done Yanet. 



For being a motivated learner during our Inquiry unit. The way you tackled challenges and came up with a variety of questions and solutions during the project was evident of your understanding and motivation to learn. Keep up your excellent efforts. 



For being a passionate and motivated learner in our classroom! You are consistently enthusiastic about learning tasks, you ask clarifying questions when you are unsure. During our Grammar in Context unit on ‘Fire’, you have made some thought provoking text to world connections to deepen your understanding, and shared these with your peers. Keep on driving your learning Harley and inspiring others to do the same!



For being a collaborative learner. You are patient and considerate and always respectful of other people’s ideas.  You are keen to share your learning and help others succeed.  You are great at using technology such as chrome casting and the projector to demonstrate your thinking and creativity - thank you so much Himi!  Keep inspiring us!