Upcoming Events

Please note these dates are subject to change.
2024 TERM 2
3rd: District Cross Country for selected students
6th-8th: Year 5/6 Camp - Lady Northcote
9th: Mother's Day Breakfast @8am followed by a Mother's Day Liturgy @9am presented by 1/2A
10th: Mother's Day Stall
(a maximum of $10 per child is brought on the day to purchase gifts)
15th: PIP Meeting Online @6:30pm
22nd: HT Parish School Board Meeting @6:30pm
6th: School Photos
11th-12th: Year 3/4 Camp to YMCA Anglesea
19th: Grade 6 Confirmation - Queen of Peace, Altona Meadows at 7pm
20th: Teeth on Wheels Visit