Principal's Message

On my classroom walks this week, it was rewarding to see that all students, especially the Preps, engaged in their learning, and familiar with school routines and expectations.
In Term 2, we would expect that all students are “ready, willing and able” to engage actively in their learning. We often speak about our desire for our children to be lifelong learners but in order for this to happen we need to foster our learning power dispositions of creativity, collaboration, resilience, motivation, curiosity, and reflection.
In some respects, that’s why we plan for various extracurricular activities. By taking our students on camps and excursions, by giving them opportunities to be buddies and school leaders, through interschool sport, and lunchtime clubs, we are engineering social situations where they are challenged to draw on their dispositions to get along with others, solve problems, compromise just as they would in real life.
From what I have seen this term, our students have taken up the challenge and are demonstrating that they are “ready, willing, and able.” We now need to ensure that they have the support and guidance to make it happen. Let's work together to provide them with the resources they need to succeed, and celebrate their achievements along the way! This will help them stay motivated and see the value of their hard work.
Even though the mornings have been getting darker and colder and it is a struggle for some of us to get out of bed, it is still essential that we get our students to school on time. On morning yard duty this week, I have observed an increasing number of students arriving late after the 8.50am bell.
A reminder that our school day begins at 8.50am.
It is up to you, as parents, to model to your children the importance of being punctual and on time.
This is a lifelong skill.
The morning literacy block is the optimum learning time for all our students, so it is vital that your child is at school, ready to start the day on time.
Our school yard is open each day at 8.30am. In the morning students enjoy catching up with their friends before the school day begins. Many of our parents enjoy this catch up time too!! So, let it be a new school goal, that we have every student here at 8.50am, ready to start their day of learning as this sets them up for success.
Happy end of week.
Dan Ryan
St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, well-being, and participation of all children within our care is paramount.
2024 - School Closure Days
Listed below are our school closure days for 2024. These are student-free days. Staff use these days to develop their learning further and keep informed with current practices and procedures.
Friday 28th June | Learning Conversations |
Monday 4th November | Report Preparation and Writing Day |
Friday 6th December | Whole School Planning Day for 2025 |
NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be outside of our control.