Student Awards 

Student of the Week Friday 26th April 2024

PrepBCOscar W.For your great efforts with identifying initial sounds and being a helpful member of the class. Great work Oscar!
PrepKWYu Ru N.For your brilliant effort in literacy groups. You are doing so well when segmenting and blending words in reading. Congratulations, Yu Ru.
PrepLLCasper S.For your amazing efforts in writing tasks and your wonderful kindness by helping others in learning. PLL is so lucky to learn with you, Casper! 
PrepNAShivansh R.For making an excellent start at WHPS! You have settled in so well and have given every task your best go! Well done Shivansh!
1 HQJoshua L.For showing improved handwriting and spelling skills in his writing. Well done Joshua!
1 LPJemma W.For your amazing and detailed recount about what you did on the holidays. Your writing inspires me! Keep up the amazing work, Jemma! 
1 SQAndy C.Congratulations Andy for always showing our school values and settling into school life so well. Amazing effort. 
1 VBLawrence Z.For doing detailed and accurate oral retells of stories that you have read. Amazing job Lawrence!
2 CLJasper C.For a seamless return to school this term. Your listening skills and behaviour have shown great improvement. Keep it up Jasper!
2 EBJayden S.For working hard to ensure you are engaging in classwork. You've been showing how well you can focus. Keep it up, Jayden!
2 SMVidul A.For creating original and interesting similes during reading groups. You're a similes superstar Vidul!
2 SPAdam C.For having a positive attitude towards learning and trying his best at all times. Impressive effort Adam!
3 DPDavid Y.For a fantastic start to Term 2. You have been focused and showing your personal best in all tasks. Keep it up David!
3 EBDesmond C.For creating specific instructions and listening to feedback for your WHPS map. You're amazing, Desmond!
3 JNMicha G.For collaborating well with your partner when working on our class Inquiry map of Australia. Keep up the amazing work, Micha!
3 LDEstelle M.For an amazing start to Term 2. You have proven yourself a responsible and reliable student, taking charge of our computers and setting an excellent example to the class during learning time. Keep up the fantastic effort, Estelle! 
4 MGYaash T.For the awesome effort and resilience you demonstrated when learning how to ride a bike at Year 4 Camp. We are so proud of you Yaash!
4 MPLeo M.For being brave and willing to give everything a go on Year 4 camp. Impressive effort Leo!
4OKAbigail C.For being such an independent and enthusiastic student on camp. Well done, Abi!
4 SMBhavika P.For demonstrating enthusiasm and resilience on the Year 4 Camp, joining in all activities with a positive attitude.   Well done Bhavika!
5 ARNaomi B.For being a kind and inclusive member of 5AR. We love having you in our class, Naomi!
5 BTRishika I.For showing improved focus and determination during Maths lessons, particularly when tackling new concepts like fractions and percentages. Keep up the hard work Rishika!
5 DCRyan T.For your contributions to our class discussions in our persuasive writing sessions. Thank you Ryan! We have loved your ideas! 
5 TLMikael C.For showing 5TL how to freestyle rap so we could complete our morphology lesson with style. Very cool Mikael.
6 JSJed Z.For a great effort doing research and working hard on the My Numeracy tasks to achieve significant improvement on his trigonometry post-test. Well done Jed!
6 LVAnahita B.For a wonderful effort when completing her Literacy Luminary Literature Circle task. You chose interesting pieces of text and explained in detail why you selected them. Keep up the great work Anahita!
6 SCMehrad T.For his amazing efforts in Reading this semester and continuing to try his best when answering comprehension questions. Keep it up, Mehrad!
6 TJGordon Z.For a marked improvement to your effort and behaviour in class. Keep it up Gordon.


Student of the Week Friday 3rd May 2024

PrepBCAkshita M.For trying your best in all learning tasks and your beautiful manners! I am so impressed with your positive attitude to your learning Akshita.
PrepKWAdab K.For your great effort in recount writing. You tried so hard to write all of the sounds you could hear in the words. Keep up the great work, Adab.
PrepLLCharley A.For showing amazing learning attitude by always tracking the speaker and engaging in learning. Charley put efforts in all learning tasks and practised wonderful segmenting skills in spelling. What a superstar learner! PLL is so grateful for learning with you! 
PrepNAEllie P.For an amazing first week at WHPS! You have had a go at all learning tasks and have made great contributions to class discussions! We are lucky to have you Ellie!
1 HQAdeline L.For adding a lot of details to your writing. You have put great efforts in creating an interesting holiday recount. Well done Ade!
1 LPAadvik G.For demonstrating confidence whilst presenting your short talk. I enjoyed learning more about you and I liked how you showed us a traditional outfit. You should be very proud, Aadvik.
1 SQAlaina W.Congratulations, Alaina, for showing so much resilience when we were learning this week. You persevered and achieved your personal best in every subject area! Your willingness to keep trying until you understand things shows great determination. I am so impressed!
1 VBReyaan M.For a wonderful short talk about your cultural background. You spoke in a loud, clear voice and were well prepared with items to show the class. Super effort Reyaan!
2 CLHarper L.For demonstrating excellent writing skills when creating your narrative. You brought your ideas to life by having fantastic structure and including lots of wow words. Keep it up Harper!
2 SMJamie M.For enthusiastically contributing your logical thinking when discussing the differences between real and make believe texts. Well done Jamie!
2 SPAlina C.For persevering during our maths lesson and demonstrating great resilience, representing numbers on  number lines. Well done, Alina!
3 DPJol K.For showing all five of our school values on our excursion to the MCG. You were very engaged and asked lots of interesting questions. Well done Jol!
3 EBMelanie W.For showing persistence when marking fractions on a numberline. You never gave up. You are a star, Melanie! 
3 JNGiselle A.For making sure you understand what you are learning, by asking lots of questions and trying your best in your learning tasks. I am proud of you for being so responsible, Giselle!
3 LDLily D.For your amazing text-to-self connections this week. Your in-depth contributions were well thought out and presented. Great job, Lily! 
4 MGJasnaaz K.For consistently working hard during all learning activities. Not to mention how incredibly neat your work is too! We are so proud of you Jas!
4MGYili G.For the amazing work you did during our maths lesson this week. You're a superstar at answering worded division problems with remainders. Go Yili!
4 MPXin Bei L.For generating a variety of ideas for a range for persuasive topics. Impressive effort Xin Bei!
4OKSean F.For showing great empathy and understanding in our Circle Time discussion. Thank you for your kind words, Sean!
4 SMAmelie L.For consistently demonstrating the school values and being an excellent role model in 4SM. You give your best in all that you do. Well done Amelie! 
5 ARGeorge Y.For working hard and staying focussed during class time. Keep it up George!
5 BTAiden M.For overcoming his nerves to read his holiday writing piece to the class. We love hearing your author's voice Aiden!
5 DCChris S.For his resilience and perseverance with all school work, despite having a broken leg. Chris, you're doing such a great job and we're really proud of you!
5 TLAmelie L.For always putting your absolute best effort into every learning task. You’re a great role model Amelie.
6 JSMiranda W.For a great effort to improve her understanding of maths concepts by  working hard in class and doing her homework tasks. Keep up the positive attitude Miranda!
6 LVJodies L.For working so cooperatively with her partner to create a detailed and well structure discussion text. Fantastic work Jodies!
6 SCErica D.For her fabulous efforts when working on her partner discussion text. Keep up the brilliant writing, Erica!
6 TJPhinny S.For working really hard when adding and subtracting fractions, even those with unlike denominators. Great work Phinny!