Senior School News

Year 10

Year Ten Examinations

On Tuesday of this week, examination correspondence was disseminated to all Year Ten families. Parents and caregivers are asked to read through this information so they can best support their Year Ten children. As the examination dates near, teachers will integrate learning activities to help prepare students for these assessments.

Creative Edge

Since 2022, the College has entered students into the Creative Edge Problem Solving Challenge. This demanding initiative challenges participants to enrich their capacity to problem solve, collaborate, think creatively and act innovatively. Commencing at the start of Term Three this year, students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be invited to participate. With this event hosted by Curtin University, it provides students with a unique window to tertiary education environments.


Utilised as an opportunity to extend student learning, participants will be selected on the strength of their Semester One Reports. Hopefully, this information will serve as extra motivation for students from Years 7 to 10 to continue to set educational goals fixed on academic advancement. 


A sombre day, ANZAC Day prompts Australians to reflect about the fortunate lives that we lead. We thank Isabella Tafua and Gabriel Chase, who represented the College with pride at this year’s Mundijong ANZAC Commemorative Service.


Quote of the Week:

A person’s rightful due is to be treated as an object of love, not as an object for use.

~ Pope John Paul II


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)