Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Middle School Matters: Term Two Update

Term Two is ablaze with activity as our Middle School students continue to shine brightly. We've witnessed remarkable achievements and memorable moments, and it has only just begun. Let's delve into the highlights of the past week and the exciting prospects ahead.

Student Leadership in Action

Our Secondary Assembly, orchestrated by our dedicated Year 10 Representatives alongside Mr. Meynell and myself, set the tone for the term. Gabriel Chase, Kassiana Selou, Sean Mulligan, Xavier Young, Isabella Tafua, and Brian Francis exemplified exceptional leadership, ensuring a seamless and engaging event. Together, we reflected on the successes of Term One and eagerly anticipate the adventures awaiting us in the next ten weeks.

Celebrating Excellence

]During the assembly, we took a moment to acknowledge outstanding students whose dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. Proud parents and caregivers joined us in applauding the following achievers:


Tino Kasese: New Year 9 PCG.2 Representative

Brian Francis: New Year 10 PCG.2 Representative

Lincoln Manzi: Highest number of Merits in Year 7 for Term One

Tyler Jarvis: Highest number of Merits in Year 8 for Term One

Abigael Moukakou and Kyle Bailey: Highest number of Merits in Year 9 for Term One

George New: Highest number of Merits in Year 10 for Term One


Congratulations to each of these individuals for their exceptional contributions to our school community!

Embracing Opportunities

As we look ahead, we're excited about the upcoming Years 7 and 8 ACC Lightning Carnivals and the Year 9 Camp. These events not only foster the developing of positive friendships but also provide invaluable learning experiences outside the classroom. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated staff at Salvado Catholic College, whose commitment and tireless efforts make these opportunities possible.



Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)