Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

**Exciting Start to the Term at SCC: A Glimpse into Student Activities Across Junior School Year Levels**


As the new term unfolds, students at SCC are diving head first into a whirlwind of activities and learning opportunities. From captivating assemblies to thought-provoking lessons, here's a snapshot of what each year level has been up to:

Year 3 

The term kicked off with a bang as Year 3 students showcased their confidence and talents in an assembly that left everyone impressed. With parents, caregivers, and fellow primary students as their audience, these young learners proved that they're ready to take on any challenge. 

In addition to this, Year 3 students are working very hard with a new spelling program this year called SpellEx. By growing and consolidating their phonological, orthographic and morphological knowledge, SpellEx helps students make the right decisions when spelling words. This will benefit their writing in all curriculum areas.

Year 4

Blending literacy with HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences), Year 4 students delved into historical recounts. By exploring events that have shaped societies, they honed their understanding of chronological order and the importance of temporal connectives in conveying historical narratives.


In addition, during religious education lessons, students engaged in discussions and activities centred around Relationship Circles, exploring the dynamics of trust and boundaries in interpersonal connections.

Year 5

Students have begun our Novel Study this term of Jackie French's 'Rotters and Squatters' A Fair Dinkum Histories book, learning about Australia's Colonial history which aligns with our HASS History content this term. In Health, they have been looking at the United Nations Rights of the Child and students have been analysing and learning about their rights as children and the care that they receive in their lives. 

Year 6 

Venturing into the realms of governance, Year 6 students embarked on an insightful exploration of Australia's parliamentary system. From the intricacies of representative democracy to the foundations of constitutional monarchy, they delved deep into the workings of our nation's government, rooted in the principles of the Westminster system.


Moreover, as ANZAC Day drew near, Year 6 students took time to reflect on the significance of this solemn occasion. They paid homage to the bravery and sacrifice of those who served their country through an art activity. Adding to their excitement, the arrival of Year Six shirts sparked joy and pride, marking a memorable milestone in their journey at SCC.

Homework Club

Homework Club began last week for Year 5 to Year 10 students and their siblings (Monday afternoons 3:00pm to 3:45pm). It proved to be popular and helpful to students with access to Primary and Secondary teachers for assistance. 



As the term unfolds, the enthusiasm and dedication of our students continue to grow, promising a semester filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences.


Warm regards, 

Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)