Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Thank you to all our parents/caregivers who attended the recent meetings. This was our inaugural year for having a half day at the College and extending meetings into the evening. We had a fantastic response across all year levels, which shows a wonderful commitment to home/school life collaboration.

ANZAC Day Liturgy

We were lucky that the weather permitted us to hold a College ANZAC service for Years 1-10. Students across the College participated in various ways and the reflective atmosphere was wonderful to experience. Our PP and Kindy students reflected in their own service within the Kindy play area. The students then proceeded to the flag poles to see the sacred space set up and added the poppies they had created.


We also had some beautiful Learning Space displays across the College, please see below of some examples:

College Photo Days

It has been delightful to see all our Early Years students wearing the correct uniform for College photo days. I would like to encourage all parents/caregivers to please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for all days attending the College.


This week we had our second Pre-Kindy class commence. We have opened up availability to current Pre-Kindy students, allowing them to attend for two days a week. We have a steady number of students attending and look forward to seeing this group continue to grow as our new Salvado friends celebrate their third birthdays.


Unfortunately, our current Playgroup Coordinator is unable to continue in the position of Team Leader. Emma has done a wonderful job setting up the playgroups, organising all of the paperwork and re-establishing connections with Playgroup WA and people from the wider community. We are currently seeking expressions of interest for a new Team Leader, which can be a shared role, if need be. Luckily for the next person in the role, Emma has done all of the hard work. There is still plenty of time for handover, so if you are interested in the role please contact Emma via our Playgroup Facebook page as soon as possible.


Kind Regards, 

Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindy to Year 2)